Monday, December 28, 2009


All heaven&earth stop for one boy&one girl caught up in another world;they got carried away.As the years unfurl the pleasures,treasures&displeasures became real to one that didnt feel blown away anymore.They managed to be friends somehow they even sit&talk around the black&endless hole;the hapless brushing leaves aside,the contentious in a role.


It is sad to admit:interfaith dialogue makes me cringe. Jesus said to love my enemy&sent me to listen&care&speak to every corner of the earth.The chartered intervention is one of reconciliation by good faith hospitality&servant evangelism;a meaningful gracious conversation.Am i above such a humble serving position?Have fear&comfort stifled my mission?Lord,help my lack of faith,love&vision.


I want to thank you for being more to me than you know.For a lonesome stranger in a brutal world friends come&go but you have shown a kindness I recognize,a respect I internalize&a sensitivity that makes me wise.I need your grace to help me find my own.I need your affection to help me stand.I cant do this alone.You volunteer more than time you know.

The Christmas Show

All of you loud&proud lovers of good I am so proud of your loud song&festive dance giving others the chance to see what they can become.I am so blessed to see your heart displayed in true stories the Spirit creates,promulgates&conveys in so many ways in these millions of days of sterotype hype,hope,romance&happenstance in this wild kingdom.


Sometimes I just dont know what to say.I look to the sky as if to pray but no words can i say.Looking around i see nothing or no one that makes me feel this way.its like I am the only one that hears the silence of your words today.There is nothing to ask,no disconnect just a patient God&a man full of desire&respect bewildered by time&nothingness.


Such a tiny little faith to call out to angels&mystic fables;more than a feeling,more than a word concealing the truth of the invocation as you pray seeking the faith to be able.Angels,strangers,fairytale mangers bless the blind in riches&the deaf in pleasure.Child in white cloth,long curly hair&bouncy step beautiful beyond compare;a pure innocent forever.


The vally of indecision becomes more like the mountain every day.Ethics do not bend&principles do not break no matter who you are,no matter how much you need a break.Climbing is much better though than tumbling without brakes.Thank God for the battle,without it we'd be fake


Shadows rise&fade in the cave as a messenger stumbles in.The end was just to begin to run again.The king arose&stayed in awkward silence."Some water from the pure well" he said.Big dipper ahead,little dipper aside,he rides the trail by the dying&poisoned in the pit of despair.Shadows rise&fade in the cave as the servant stumbles in.The king pours out a drink offering.


Sometimes I think we confuse hope&faith.Hope is relentless.Hopelessness returns to the expectation of God's kind&faithful provision.Faith is fearless action founded on knowledge of His power&salvation.Faith can be broken when friend brandish only tokens of affection.Hope heals sick hearts.Faith overcomes&does its part to bring truth&compassion.


How we wound up here today just blows me away like a tree that leans&sways planted beside the stream of love&dreams by the pond of the river of the ocean&of the lake.Sand on the seashore,diamonds in the sky,posterity gives clarity to why.Hidden dreams in tragic scenes&enemies be loved.The only way thats has means is the truth.All that matters is why.

Friday, December 11, 2009


A real gas that stubborn ass that follows me around stinking up the place.If it wasnt for the pine&juniper I'd hafta use lots of water.With his face around I rarely forget to be humble.How could I not remember unless I thought I was a number.There's only one December;time to remember the only birth worth giving treasure.He's not an ogor,a dictator or vendor but a baby King&Savior in a barn with an ass,a man&a mother.


I would trust you but I would rather do it myself.I know that I know but what I know is not what you know.The time that is left may not grow.If this doesnt meet my expectation of sensation I will just turn&go.Satisfaction in turning to rewards&swords&landlords to pacify the awkward silence of the moment you find you're blind&the hill is too steep.Lord,I take your words to heart,I believe.Help me overcome my unbelief.


A true addiction is death of a better self.It puts unity on the shelf&love in stealth-mode.To the controller of acceptance,approval&admonition:plenty of ammunition for a gauntlet in two rows.To the lover of pleasure,servanthood could not measure or even factor without some compensation.To the mocker a punch in the nose,to the giver a surrender without blows;a steady balanced role when whole,God is the one who knows.


I stand by&drive beside lady-men,manly women,old children&young kids.Last summer,last night,next summer another something sacred another someone cold&naked.I am disgusted with evil displayed as good&good portrayed as evil.I know somebody that knows something about that person.Why compare?Whatever version Im not interested.Tell me who is special.Tell me why you care.


There is always more to the story than what I can fathom.God has a way of revealing what is hidden.Even if the answer is clear&the solution presented with ribbons,I will have to find true motives in the decision.After assessing my need,my creed&my ability I need God to show me the path of integrity that is beneficial to the mission,to me&to my family.


That first little hope that I hoped out on the road the back tire gradually rose to high pitch&vibrated my thumbs.Today is the day I find a friend rich in openess in this vast endless kingdom.The grain waved,the trees sighed in bliss,the birds followed&sang.She choked on something in her kiss then told me everything.Backtracking against the wind,the chain broke.Halfway it began to rain.I hoped again.


Little reindeer with the shiny nose,you cant take on the proverbial monster alone.Its a wonderful selfless act you have feel called to act out.I wonder if you want to somehow makeup for inferiority&give yourself a better story to pretend.Are you bound by integrity.Are you simply soothing inadequacy in a self-fulifilling prophecy?Do you love misfit toys or do want to shape reality into a good feeling again?


Some say life is short;thats not what Im feeling.Sometimes life feels more like endless heart-wrenching,teeth-grinding,slow&mindless torture watching myself&others fade into nowhere.We just stare&speak words no one hears;the me I am&what Im able to share do not compare.Every so often when I get hurt,angry or scared the Spirit reminds me again:love wins&we're all humans with souls that have no end.


Signs are blocking the view.So many blur my radial synapses reason lapses&I cant see you.Lost in comparison thinking you lost something under a shoe prophecying doom for the immeasurable few.You have been good&did what you were told&you want what you're due.He does wrong&gets everything new?!A child has no signs that dont shine bright yellow or deep blue.Hopeful,helpful,equal&true child,I see you.


If I am motivated by fear;fear is easily forgotten.If by guilt there is no stopping,by doubt there is no foundation,by anger i get better but not together or forever,by pride i must hide the matter,if by intention its my own perilous invention,if by selfish ambition I lack vision&will fall down fast,if by love it will happen&the inspiration will last&last&last...


Quite often the truth is all too clear.If you think about it,the truth is always near.Along that worn path are landmarks where doubt stops&faith starts,where trees bark a warning&the air smells of fear.Deep in the forest beyond the pleasant ridge is a clearing so big&wide open the clouds disappear halfway&the sky goes on like the ocean.By the tree line is a shallow spring;a fountain of truth for all living things.


Tidings of comfort&joy from those that have none or from others that have on occasion told a story with persuasion can be rough&its tough to hush feelings&let better words come out or have no criticism or tout.Sometimes the only peace is on your knees alone in the dark;make peace work in time so you can have some.Quiet of morning,cover of night,warm sun sink into these veins,let dark fade,let light ignite my passion.


hey did you hear__is coming to town?__are some cool dudes with a cool sound.I met__at the mall today__is smaller than I expected.Did you know__did great things with puppets&strings&__was on tv&in that movie.__will be forgotten,the name not resurrected__will be the new hot one&tomorrow another day.


to take advantage,to make dependent then run,to usurp authority not given,to hold someone accountable without permission,to throw a fit of rage,to speak blasphemy,to provoke disunity,to spill blood if you could have not,to offer impropriety,to disregard your family,to destroy human dignity,to plan an evil plot,to lie to your lover about another:insanity

Thursday, November 26, 2009


Back in the bad ol' days of strange days&mystical ways stayed true to form like a ham on the stage in a vegan craze;torn,racked,skewered&burnt glazed by consequence,ramification&humiliation,caught with no retort,broken heart,ready for last resort.Cut into pieces its a beautiful montage yes it was.In the good ol' days in the epiphany craze God said He is not the author of confusion but a sensible loving revolution.


What a humbling&monumental task we have today:to grow in faith&help others do the same,to set free the captives of worry,poverty&shame,to give hope&to heal,to spread good news,to be kind&be real.Praise God for this ministry of reconciliation,contention,redemption,salvation&growth for we do not share stories of wisdom&woe to just listen to or just to know.You say when the rubber hits the road.


Emotionality is an innate propencity rooted in gender,birth order,culture,family functioning&exposure to personal&individual life events of tenderness,trauma&intimacy.What pleases my vanity,soothes my anxiety,proves me not guilty or plunges me into character assassination&disparity evolves immediately,gradually,accidentally,intentionally,perfectly&dysfunctionally.Goodness gives growth exponentially.


Dear friend,you are summarily pardoned.An honest man has many reasons to be hardened,but feels hearts&thoughts&days crescendo&placate&fade away&resolve softened a half-step into symphonic harmony.Beginning at the third hard stop half-time two measures bridge.I listened&I did,Oh My!Oh Sweet Love!Oh Pity,Sorrow,Revenge&Anger's Displeasure;Sweet Mercy!I can fly!


Just like Dear Old Dad,the best you can do for anyone is to avoid getting in the way.A girl like a sunburn some like to say.A four year old is forty-four some day.Lightning strikes,thunder roars,confusion,desperation,the best of intentions a light under the door,which way it comes or goes away not for us to say.Feel it pull in your gut,your heart ripping separate ways.The dream is over,you&I are beside me everyday.


Blessed are the poor in spirit,those who have thrown pearls to swine.Blessed are the meek,those that seek peace&pursue understanding on time.Blessed are the merciful,those that see others as equal.Blessed are those that seek communion with brothers&sisters in Christ&dwell with God day&night.For all these are subject to suffer like Jesus did.They overcome death.They have no end.


I couldnt ask God to be more patient or more kind.I can ask him to be quick in renewing my mind.I choose to redefine my suffering&suffer sometimes by giving away what is mine.This weakness that is in me Lord please remove.Your strength in joy&love&faith does not weaken or improve.As long as I am in this body Lord,help me to honor you with me&what I say&do&let me never forget who I am in you,rejoice always in you!


When Max was a puppy I had to teach him what was wrong.Some say its bad.It was sad.Good thing it didnt take long.Kind of like my son.He didnt even grovel,cry or complain.The best child you've ever seen.Once he understands he's got a plan to please his old man.He finds his way now&then&he is comin up a good man.Max is a good friend.Thanks God for these gifts&for bein a dad that's not so hard to please.Kinda like me.


Consider this possiblity:Every person is born into a world of iniquity.Our nature is a nurtured view&our nature is new like mercy every day.I was born as holy as I am now; since I spoke my mind,tore out my heart&came out of the water.The truth was in me the day God conceived me in himself then formed me like a most excellent potter.Worn,wounded or wicked I have been afflicted by my maker in bliss&painful conformity.

dont stop

Nothing can prepare you for what is going to happen tomorrow except trust in God's good graces.You may expect life to go your way but sorrow may await,confusion may complicate or anger may dominate.All I can say is this hope supercedes any doubt that God will work it out&I know that cuz I have seen it in the past:I fell in.God pulled me out.His ways are perfect&worth walking out.Today is what tomorrow is all about.

be still

Righteousness rains down&becomes merciful streams for the free to dream&give life in your crystalline river.The waterfalls of hope&love rain down from above.The innocence of a new egg.The gentleness of a dove.An arrow in your quiver.You are my deliverer,redeemer&friend.You have no beginning&no end.A good father,a faithful strong provider.I am clay in your hands.


If you ask Jonah,he'll say there is nothing to be concerned about.The run of bad luck has nothing to do with obedience and that he can wish it all into existence cuz God will understand.getting stuck in a raging storm can cause no real harm;just deny it&keep after your will.Wishful thinking becomes a whole direction in itself.Should have waited on God a bit longer before I made that decision on whats in my vision.


The most colorful array of foliage,freedom&food climbs the walls&feeds my hungry soul everyday.Its a beautiful relationship;I get all I want from it&it doesnt complain if i cut it,kill it,strip it,burn it or eat it whole.Yes,I can have it all;everything just the way I like it for free.All i have to do is give the first&best I receive to the one who gives it all to me enthusiastically,faithfully&abundantly.


You dont wanna give up,let loose,give in or come close to bein a hypocrite.Strange people all happy&clapping speaking a foreign language.Men seem weird&weak&women whimsical queens so excited bout how problems dont matter but clear bout how to progress from here.It all seems a bit too much.This Christianity crutch is tough to steer.Nevermind all that:its just how it appears.Look in the book&ask until truth is clear.


Dear God,friends,future wife,brothers,sons,Dad,step mom,keeper of the faith,I woke up early tonight&I hope I'm not too late to say I am so lonely&I need you so much.I cant live this life alone or find wholeness in my telephone.It may seem that I am a rock,an island in the stream but I need your presence&your touch.I'll go back to bed since I said what I needed to say.I hope to see you tomorrow or another day.


In order to be blameless you'd hafta remain defameless of all human beings&not show favoritism,ethnocentrism or preferential treatment.A statement of opinion without mercy within one's countenance&wounding,harming or hating just once with no apology&darkness creeps in,saliva turns to blood&stains your garment:explain to God what your heart meant&'for long you'll repent;that is,unless you think you are God&President.

on sale

Life can be tough,no doubt about it.Living in the shadow of death in a land that assaults your conscience for the slightest negative circumstance that doesnt match up to the desired cultural norms,dissillusionment can be hard to shake off even when you have had enough stinking thinking.Prideful wounds you keep licking are tricking you out of life worth living.Just be yourself.No one is truly winning,Satan is jeering.


If life was good,what would that look like?Would you be perfectly naked in a warm place where you were together but alone with no fear of the unknown,no probing eye but completely known from the outside in with no sin&no reason to cry?Its where I began,where flaming swords flash in circular motion guarding the entrance to a garden,&where love was created&set into motion.Adam is as good as I.


Some dreams will never come true:who you marry,what you do,the highest level of satisfaction&approval.When you look back however you can see how blessed you have been,how things worked out in the end,how you were saved the trouble by lessons learned in troubling times&how others have been so kind.Whatever your dream find peace of mind.

tacit notions

Lord,help me accept the things I cannot change.There oughta be a law that would make abominations so disdainful others would refrain from immoral behavior.Ladies&gentlemen thats why we have a Savior.You cannot change it&neither could a law so please move on&discover how to help them get better,maybe give a portion;not fixing on taxes,federal dysfunction&abortion.Dont get lost in that battle.


Evolution was never meant to be a solution to the mystery of God.That would be an extrapolated theological interpretation of an exercize in marine biology;others added that fallacy.I'm suprised Christians give it one minutes contemplation;as if it has enough relevance,power or wisdom to be of some competition.If beauty... is for survival&growth a transition,where are the half-evolved specimens right now?Like short cows.


I made someone a priority that made me an option.I spoke the truth but was labeled a liar;walked the wire for no respect.I fell for someone that hated me,gave to a theif&let someone waste my time for their benefit.For all these Satan would love to make me a failure,make me regret&make me ponder the loss.For all these have not been fatal for I live in the shadow of the cross the battle is won&no love is lost.


How do eggs become egg noodles? What are chives? How does sour cream become sour? What sound does a rabbit make? Where does tar come from? Should I know more than I do? If so, what do I need to know? What do turkeys do with their time? What do blind people dream about? Why do some mothers hate their children? What does... total freedom look like? If I prophecy and no one hears me is it a valid prophecy?

outward focus

With one eye to the sky watching the road I packed my lies away one by one.I thought I needed money fit snug beside i live for my honey in the box labeled idols;it was heavy so I set wishful thinking&denial on top.I am not worthy made the rear end drop&threw sparks the whole way.I left them all but as I walked away I saw ten loaded trucks going the other way&shook my head in dismay.I could have prayed for them today.


For God so loved 548,695,362,256,147,845,996,352 people the last 10,000 thousand years,He committed love suicide&fell again for awesome&beautiful,wicked&fearful cowards full of pride in self-deprecation,murderous envy&self-righteousness saving some for his purpose&waiting on others.Brothers,could we learn from those women of pure intention,children of adoration&bold men of compassionate passion&fearful consternation?


A few things in life holding power:nuclear bombs,moms,family,extended family,origin of family,culturalabnormality,spirituality,friends,peers,religion,education,dysfunction,socioeconomic position,health systems,political systems,legal systems,science,schism,mass media,diarrhea,hysteria,the ocean,devotion,commodities,little ditties,a dove,a tree,weather globally,military,technology.Where is love? Where is me?


Passion is the generator that gives love the power to do right,silence gives power to disillusionment.Such passionate truth we have in acknowledgement, such power in confession & comfort in prayer that the pain of change is bearable&self-denial possible.Passion built on fear of rejection,desires of grandeur,pet knowledge,self-delusion&subterfuge are discerningly ostensible.Never put faith in what is not sensible.


This deep smoldering lava cracking my soul filling my chest consuming my heart spewing out my mouth is no longer disappointment,fear,anger,tears&doubt;I was looking for rewards right now.For all my toil,want&despair a river of peace came&put the fire out.Now I sing like noone is listening&love like i never been hurt.My joy is pure:help to the poor&hope to the world,more rewards than I could have found.


Symbolism in Genesis taken in earnest reflection over a clear pool of perfection can offend noone.What if this place was still the garden&noone ate the grapes of wrath?Red,white&blue means this country&a cherub means one diety:sown in gold thread on purple velvet in the inner chamber of the temple.100 naked babies flying carelessly:simple clarity in imagery giving unlawful carnal knowledge a bath.


A man loses his donkey&cant get to town.Is he now a worthless clown?Crops failed in rain&hail his children ate rutabaga&hung possum&squirrel tail on their Winabaga.Is that a shame?Stuck diggin a ditch draining field&furrow,shooting homemade arrows narrowly missing the burro.Is he an insurance risk?If he went lame would you feed his kids&run his plow&disk or pay to fix his herniated disk?What kind of love is this?

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

no excuse

The feeling you get when you look at the sunset over amber waves of grain,that feeling that starts in your chest then intoxicates your brain&you didnt realize you were saying "awwwwe" with your bottom lip on the floor&your eyes open wide,yeah thats the one with a little fear&trembling of joy inside,thats how you know God is alive.It cant be contrived.


God turned on the light this morning&now all i see is an incredibly beautiful&fascinating living planet taken for granted.I trust he will turn off the lights&I will dream of even more fantastic scenes where all is right minus a few things worth mentioning.Even on my worst day I taste no defeat,bitterness or spite while helping others to see the light,to feel right&sleep sound tonight.God opened MY eyes.Who is wise?


I have no doubt that local school,water&sewer boards commit larceny,intimidation& otherwise finagle funds as much as the county,city&state hoards money from the Fed. Statesmen,officers,executives&investors are looking for dividends.Voyeurism,Imperialism or Capitalism one truth is clear.In God we trust not the pundit,the elect or volunteer.I pray&have faith that God will draw near.A citizen of heaven or here?


Just when you thought you'd had enough you realize loving others can be tough&rough&stuff changes&rearranges&goes through stages&phases of what is love&what should never be.If love is the reason then you bear the seasons&burdens in some way&stay committed to sharing the truth of who you are today&in some way convey a peaceful confidence in solving mysteries everyday.What is shall be.


The good,the bad,the ugly all work together somehow I cant fully understand now&I will probably never comprehend.I can see that suffering works for good in the end,good gives faith a hand&hope a place to land;the ugly leads me to repent.No matter what God provides a way out:no matter how hardened or full of doubt,mercy is available,wisdom cries out.So dont hide or be afraid to fall,find safe people&just get it out.

rules or principles

One moments lack of attention to honor can take years to unfurl.Socially mediated conveniences change daily around the world.Drive 25 in front of a school,safety first unless you are cursed with running around like a fool.Wear a seatbelt or you might end up sitting in the hospital in your own stool.Use someone for cheap labor because they know no better,get sex with no love letter&your curse could last forever.


Eye to eye&face to face with the creator of the human race."Its all yours.Take care of this place,give some back(vertically&horizontally)&you wont have to worry about poverty or attack."Wandering around in plenty of space,loving life in abundant grace was just not enough to entertain&the snakes insinuation made him jealous of fame.The curse carries on unless blessings take their place.Are you blessed or the same?


With so much time spent sleeping,eating,shopping,dressing,washing this,cleaning its a wonder we have time to sanitize,moisterize,primp,prep,accentuate,decorate or deodorize.Im not sayin hygiene is not important after all you dont truly hate your body even those in despair will eventually care for it out of necessity.The body a temple?Here,look at my pimple.Anything pure&holy about it?


Just like you I am trying to find the next step.I'll find it&not fall from it cuz Christ is holding me.Its wild to think there is another.I cant put into words how it is to be free.I was set free in 2003(sanctified in '93)in a hole in 1990 but today I am encouraging inmates,learning from classmates,worshipping from the bass(or drums)&teaching children joyfully.Thank you for serving with me.


Its easy to cherish a child.Each one is the same&different,similarly unique&very special in their own way;curiosity wins over concerns,investigation over doubt&honesty over reputation.Who knows what they will do or say?For such an intrusion on rules,order&agenda they are promptly pardoned by the kind sensei.Why is it so hard to cherish adults the same way?They are just big kids anyway.


All of creation strains for daily satisfaction of life-giving water&nutrition;some lack provision,some face starvation,some depend on corporate speculations to keep inflation down,others must keep moving around.Pain is to gain&a necessary evil yet we have a choice.You can waste your time building up your temple,buying a Rolls-Royce&chasing pleasure or give time&money so others can have a choice. Whoever wishes to save their life shall lose it but whomsoever loses his life shall save it.


The things I cannot change I put into God's hands&say"He will find a way"&pray that if I missed a way to make it clear to me so that I may change me,society&our world community.I never want to continue to consider & communicate justice,talk equality,strategize love or refer to humility.Let me speak&act justly following your guidance,trusting your will as I listen & work diligently.


The truth hurts and its a good thing.I've seen what can happen when you hear it but do nothing.It crys out at the city gate&out at the natural spring.Drink it in&death loses its sting.Spit it out&life is not worth living.If I have no shame I am to blame,no guilt&I'da killed.With all this grace in my face I rarely see shame.This mercy breaks the curse of blame.Truth treats us all the same.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

church light

satan is one cunning liar:all the excuses,temptations,accusations&ire your desires require in a wicker basket set on fire.something from nothing,naked with clothing,giving but withholding,knowing but not knowing,patently judging an anomaly,teaching but not preaching the challenging details,sincere intentional kindness randomly not daily faithfully lovingly humbly honestly:truly beneficially providing&guiding wisely.


thank you all for your birthday wishes! I am glad I didnt hafta go to work or do the dishes! Im not one for huntin deer or catchin fishs but you bet I'll have a happy birthday! The staples were vicious. I hated those stitches&those crutches are just relentless but life is delicious! I wouldna missed this for the world!


The natural reponse to:"Trust me.Take my word for it.Yes I will or no I wont"is to say "show dont tell"I need some proof,some reason to believe"If i am trusting you with my heart,my mind or energy its not cynical or skeptical but sensible to desire something tangible, give poor Tom a break.We have God's word to take.Find out what it really says before you put faith in superstition or suffer long for one mistake.


Its amazing how far some have travelled outside the bounds of the mission at hand.Lost in the details like being buried in the sand they just cant seem to feel anything but sand in their crack.They are on the attack&refuse to go back to the mercy that drew them in.As if grace is for the strong&correction for the weak,respect for the hard&insults for the meek.I hope you're broken before sin does you in.


A mighty wave of heartbreak when a lover eats bread of discontent,drinks in deceit:a bent toward selfishness,threats&entitlements.Add insult to injury suddenly seeing reality or deficiencies,or imaginatively constructed,carefully selected theories.A mighty wave of mercy&prayer brings equality into focus,a welcome catharsis:seperation,nothing to mention,eternal affection.


If you get hurried you miss the essence.One day can make the difference.A momentary inference seems credible until a crucial deviation takes egress from the hall.Just went you though you had heard it all,what was understood is no longer palpable:we scratch our heads & wonder why we didnt see it before.No person is infallible.Some think more.If you think you know for sure,you may not know at all.

Good Grief

Jimmy says good grief opens the door of the poor in spirit(the one standing in the corner too long)&sets free the calf from the stall.Grief like a benevolent thief takes it all into perspective decides whats relative to love&peace(to what is noble)&gives more experience at ease,of understanding needs&the treasure of dreams.Though we may share our troubles,its hard to share our grief&harder to share our joy.


Christmas decorations,paint cans,wet blankets,baseballs,old socks,a word processor,a vacuum cleaner,a brown recluse in a big bulky box,a record player,a bunch of old rags that stink,angry recollections,white sheets stained in mud,jealous competition,shame,blame,quest for fame,selfish-ambition,a dumpster full of lust,disgust,fear,anxiety,worry&regret&a kitchen sink.

Small Group

Willing to listen,willing to speak I hasten to seek your response.Playing around with fonts is no way to quicken the throwing of inhibitions.Casual meetings of associates greeting daily bleetings of perfunctory bits of information stunt a true connection.A small group keeps you in the loop so your fishin line doesnt come back empty:once you share your inner thoughts&motivations, you have a new family situation.

Friday, September 25, 2009


I make no pretense.There are things I choose not to share.When you hear this you know what your thing is that brings despair.One thing you only share with others you know care;where there is safety from stares.Stay there 'til the sickness leaves the air&mercy rings true in your ear.Who am I to judge creation,predestination,salvation or revelations true or imagination?I am not the prosecution.I am with the defense.


Sometimes you just got to let go of all that you've got:with all of your energy shake off all that binds you in your mind,find it&push it away until you say"it is all yours God,come what may,come what might,I release all of me to you tonight&only take pleasure in the gifts of comfort&bliss you provide.Lord,let me be wise"One caveat,consider what you might do if it came true.Its up to you.


I hate what I think I see in you because I think I see the same in me.We try to control because we have little self-control.We have an intricate belief system that fights confusion,disorder&inexplicible horror to protect your psyche from worry, turn a blind eye to light or deafen our ears to right.Labels make sense of nonsense but nonsense,chaos&decay stay near."What might work?"not"do what you are told!"


Something so simple as serving another brings blessings that far outshine,outnumber&outlast lifes grief.Such a small thing to welcome a child,to encourage the downhearted,to assist the elderly reframes your world&affirms the belief that God has cared for you everso compassionately:a friend indeed,fresh food guaranteed,help when you bleed,the money you need&your abilities.Love not charity.


I dug taters 'til this fellow came along.So we satnchat awhile.Then he said "you makin money or are you takin chances?"I said,"Sir,I've been diggin taters,tendin t' wifenchillins,takin care of mawnsittin on fences"Didnt you say your a gentleman&a scholar?"He said with a grin."No,I didnt"A bird told me you are a man of honor"He said&he was gone.Nothin wrong with songs,festive throngs n idle hours.What then?

JJ's take

Lord,you know Im a fool for you.I keep waiting around looking in the sky;a perfect situation with no provocation,sitting on the fence watching it all go by,teetering on extinction or looking for a place to hide while Joshua Hosanna Immanuel walks beside.Maybe means probably not.Lord,help me.Im in a spot.Sometimes Im lazy or afraid to be disappointed.I dont know why.Let me go with your flow&not stop.


MNCs sending jobs (rent,utilities&groceries) overseaswhile we sit ill at ease watching people fight in the streets over half a sandwich from Wendy's.Those new jobs in the Phillipines moved on too.The trickle down theory just isnt true.What is Latin America supposed to do?Grow your food or shine your shoes??!


At each intersection you may find friend or foe.You never know when they may find you in kind,inept or apropos.At introduction theres plently of room for conflicting causes,voluntary visceral pauses&seemingly slighted guffaws that may or may not be worth entertaining,placating or defending:a humble&teachable spirit saves much besetting blusterous bantering&discontent;dont be hasty to confront,take wise counsel.


Violins play as you look into my eyes I am dumbstruck.Hit by a dumptruck.Your love for ease,the power of green&romantic scenes shoves love,faith&joy outdoors&builds walls of ideology.I will never drown in your dark hair,taste your brown skin,or smell you in the air.You are free to lose your dreams&fight the invisible man.I hope you win&never give in to your illusion of utter sullen despair.I know I love you,its not just dumb luck.Goodbye imagineer.


Its easy for me to see the irony of daily life in Cincinnati.We drive by the graveyard with the IPOD pumpin&jump in a cool clear pool on a sunny Saturday&sit back&wonder why you are so tired,stressed,blessed&not giving back as millions wash up in mudpuddles,eat from garbage cans&sleep in tin shacks.Too many Big Macs&no extra cheese for anyone in need.Have we all succumb to corporate greed?

On this rock

Weather losses to doubt,angling angrily in accusation,seething in suspicion,fully focused on fluctuations in feeling:you are put out by small thinking.Simmered down by revelation,humiliation or empathetic imagination,the disaffection infection&self-swelling goes down quick.Feelings betray,curses trick.Distrust builds with mud,faithlessness builds with sticks;patience,honor&compassion builds a foundation of brick.

Monday, September 14, 2009


I tripped outside the bounds not so haplessly;scraped by knee,bruised my pride&somewhere in there I lied to me.Somehow I could disappear;God couldnt see me.What a tangled web we weave but wisdom never did leave me unclear for long.My will is strong;love is stronger.Saved from selfish living,renewed fervor for living,to yourself be true.Light does linger;I lost many times before I was a winner.How 'bout you?


Child with heart pounding, teeth grinding, wandering, flailing, lost;grasping at a mirage, stumbling over stones, kicking against the goads let me get out of your way.Let me stand back but not too far away&call your name.Kissing toads,sleeping with the enemy or throwing pearls to swine takes its toll over time.Love at arms length when you dont have the strength.Let them in when compassion is shown&time has been spent


I kept my eyes open wide.I wanted to see everything.More knowledge more power.Fitful dreams turn sour.Human wisdom took me for a ride;the exalted liar spun reason to smash flowers,to take power,to slaughter in the hour of genocide.It churned inside&erupted out my nostrils,my pores&my mouth.I spit,choked&gasped for the breath of life so pure&clean without doubt,revenge or suicide.My pride did subside&love came pouring out.


Growing up a fruit trader or a butcher,a planter,a shepard,a tiller,a cowpoke or a killer; Abel was gladder,to Cain it didnt matter.If you are barn again in a stable or manger you will learn all over again what is love,what is danger;God is the able arranger.To grasp the hand is to grasp the land&let it go.Its natural law&one more you need to know:love you&your neighbor(be kind,be real,do favors)


Our worst fears have come true:There is no one on this earth that will make you happy but you.You really can lose all off your money&dignity too.There are children that starved to death today.There is no way to stay right where you want to.You cant control anything or anyone unless you like it when people despise you.You are a slave to the water bill.You will never get your fill.Your will will fail still.


Women grandstanding,demanding&incorrigible;men likewise insecure,inattentive,off track&irresponsible is all that i could see.Is everyone crazy?Is it just me?"Im not the detective,prosecutor,judge or jury"a voice said to me."What do I do ABOUT these people?" I asked."Judge ABOUT them not ON them."Then another fellow said,"Dont frown,draw a line,tell a story,write a song;color it yellow not white,black,gray or brown"


One minute of love is worth a lifetime of lust.I would give up every day of my life from this day forward just to have you loving me at my best.The hours in between turn to dust.As the day turns to rust I must resign to the fact that for all my hearts desire the blanket for my fire is wrapped around my shoulders,protecting the flame from smolder,purifying my heart,glowing brighter,loving me more than I could ever.


glorious praise&rejoicing didnt sound like something real.Words like mercy&faith had some meaning but I wondered,"What does that look like?How does that feel?When the stories sounded like stories&the singing sounded like mourning,the teaching was witty worries wet with fretful foreboding,when hallelujah meant lunchtime&amen meant it was time to go.Thanks for keepin it real God&for makin me grow.I just didnt know.


I have a shirt I cherish.It says"Wilderness Foundation Hawaii Manoa Falls"I cherish everything the Lord has made&cherish the thought of killing it.The gay man that gave it to me is a fine upstanding man of good character.I cant stomach his passion however;its just sick.You cant kill what is pure.Ever.Manoa falls upon us unknowingly;we were born holy.


i fell in the door i need a hand.I am starvin I need some spam;sneezinnwheezin need a handkerchief,a hand-me-down,a puffs plus antibacterial lotion.I am crammed in here;i need space.The Bureau,SSI,medicare,medicaid,the Geico gecko&OSHA say its unsafe.If I make more money they will take my grace.Whats with this place?We should not live in,give or depend on God's grace?If I do I have mud on my face?No love,no faith.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


dont know what you got til its gone. never did see what i was doin wrong when there was still time to change my mind, my tune & my song. hind sights 20 things i knew but didnt decide; my path at the time was much too wide. thank God for opening my eyes. some things gotta go to grow or you grow slow enough to miss the more better end; regrets condescend.


I love you all so much! You are so incredible to me! There is nothing plain, boring or simple about you. Each individual indvisible under God,below the earth & in the sky. Its a waste of time to stop you & ask you why you shine like the noonday sun or why you are tangled up in blue. God knows you. I know God. He's a good dude. I thank him so much for you! mystery clue.


As Christians,we sin.How then can we live by example?Answer:when it comes to the hard stuff(not judging others,sexual purity,kindness at curses,putting others first,being gentle not rough)We submit,deny ourselves,take the hit.This is real life,face to face being/doing not worthless rambling,holy talk,or learned behavior.We do so out of love for God&others;we sacrfice to see Christ honored.If not,we are imposters.


I have the worlds best identity theft protection.I am a Jewish carpenters son born into a tribe of musicians that honor His command,glorify His perfection&praise the works of the Great I AM;following the Almighty conductors hand.If I run,I come back again. If I hide he will draw me out;pull my head out of the sand.If I am weak,He helps me stand.I am clay in the Potter's hands.Here I am! Send me! I'm your man!


The unappreciative,negative,faithless adjectives come&go;my disappointment passes quickly;though I forgive,its hard to forget.Its humbling to know that at times Im like that too;we all have our burdens&afflictions&concerns to work through....What If we laid them down:gave up on being the best&settled for being found,forgiven,tested,tried&true?Without God, what can I do?Thanks for being you(even if its hard to love you)


Pleasure in certain measure is fine&daddy dont mind a whole lot of holes drinking it in.But like a colander we never seem to get our fill.Ice cream chocolate fudge brownies as romance novels at the salon;coveting Gucci Eau de Toilette&pumps by Louis Vuitton all day long.PS3,Iphone,a beachfront lawn,a 71 Cuda with a chrome grill,restaurant,coupons on the counter;napping still.Its not what you get,its what you give.


I am human.This means that I am weak.I depend on an uncountable number of other humans to do there job every day so that I am warm,well-fed,clean&safe from weather.My flesh is given to selfishness,pride&anger;its not humble or meek.I depend on God's incredible mercy to be more patient,kind&faithful than me;not to mention the food,water,love&wisdom I need every day of every week.God is not a crutch;He is the only one needed so much.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Light & Momentary Troubles

Sometimes the innocent suffer at the hands of the wicked. Sometimes the fool gets exalted. Sometimes everything that can go wrong strings along for days & weeks unencumbered & it seems you are strangly accursed & brutally assaulted, hold on to that faith that God will make a way for comfort & rest to come again; love & joy will return to save the day.


Samples of examples trample by me&my peripheral vision.The languid superstitious sitting staring at interpretations bowdlerizing out of fear&justification pretenciousness&condemnation full of hurt&confusion falling into desperation Loving their opinions reaping minions that speak faithlessness&negativity.I pray for thee.

Safe Cities

Lets take all our money out in ones&have a fire in the backyard;the tv on top.Lets take all of the flags down&give them to the homeless for blankets on the cold ground&make the prison a luxury home for the innocent victims of capitalism&some reason not to help or pay.Take all of your pills,vitamins&nutrition plans&throw them all away;you will die anyway if you dont live by faith&trust God the Father.


It was so fine to see you today by the bus stop.You walked beside as we came in&stopped.I realize you are in a relationship right now&I respect that.If you are ever single in the future,I would be open to spending time listening to your dreams as your beauty beams&our hearts go pitter-pat.How I long to touch your lips&run my fingers through your hair;to give you my heart&show how much I care.Dear God, please let her free to share.

Saturday, August 22, 2009


Harassed&helpless,down&defenseless,hurried&hopeless,You found us weak,beaten&friendless.Your sympathy was aroused.You chose mercy.You worked our salvation with your own hand.You sacrificed your son,your own flesh&blood.You pierced your own body&bore the sin&shame that seperated us from you so that no man can boast.The creator of man&earth&heavenly hosts gave all so that we could live.How can we deny you our utmost?

Friday, August 21, 2009

Todd & Connie

I love you with all my heart.I would give my eyes if you could see God's love;the good samaritan's heart.Your fear is hard to grasp.Who is honored by verbal attacks?Your anger is tearing you apart.Faith is caught up in doubt,peace stands far off, joy is grieving,grace is distraught.Split minds, divided hearts,grumbling souls, I pray for a new vision, a new start.

Thursday, August 20, 2009


If it is broken then it must be fixed if you intend to use it.If it is not broken,it doesnt need fixed;that doesnt mean it is working at optimum usage.If you lose it you will have to find it,you cant buy another one; this a one time pilgrimage.If you are doing fine;there is nothing to praise,lament or disparage.May I suggest you cry out & ask God to show you your purpose,call & the mission.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Cleansing deep within my soul,the pain overwhelms my senses,my eyes pour out a stream,I feel my hearts pulses.A shiver from the center runs through my veins in fitful quivers quaking, beatitudes bubbling, felicity fomenting, shame stirring, sin my mind to insight through long nights of supplication. Second winds blow waves upon dry sand; I am alive, eternal & contrite there is no doubt I am in your hands.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


The heights of humility are lonesome places where God is counselor, protector & confidant while defiant men point fingers & gnash their teeth in anger.The depths of humility tear a man from his ideal self & leave him somber & peaceful..., gratefully reunited with one true friend, rescued from selfish ends:trophies in the trash, bricks of pride smashed, forgiving the past, restorative plans, surrendered with empty hands.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

VCC Summer of Love campout

Spend the night together in front of the open flame. Laughing and talking about how this world is insane. It makes no difference to us brothers, we are here to change what is insanely the same. We have a chance to intersect, to share our unity. What more could we ask for when we have each other and a leader with a dream? Wont you join us in love supreme?

Saturday, August 15, 2009

love & law

A boxer with no will to fight. A prayer that ends in good night. A good samaritan denying healthcare. A doctor that does not care. A bright eyed, bushy-tailed dead squirrel. Going for a walk on the tilt-a-whirl. Beautiful brown grass. The Bible where they throw the trash. Love & Law are mismatched. To love the world you must become detached.


Five times I did it wrong.Ten times my motives drew me into insanity.Ten times I was gone too long. There is no doubt I am guilty.War is pretty ugly. I need your mercy. Your love is strong enough to defend me.


Welcome to today.Love shines bright colors in vast array.Without love all the yellows greens & blues are gray,tears of joy are strange & every day looks the same.Brother, sister you are God's love & the colors for today.Shine in your own special way.


A $20k payday,gettin married to Beyonce, walkin tall on the walk of fame nothing compares to You, Lord.There is not enough money to horde not enough love in the world nothing to hold on to but You.You deserve all the honor, glory & praise.I am just a child you chose;a boy you raised.Your love & power has done it all.Day after day you save me from the fall


Should I trust you?Should I have faith?No.I should be as gentle as a dove & as cunning as a snake.A tree is known by its fruit.I can be openhearted & generous & speak the truth.Have no fear, God will reveal the heart of a fool.So,yes I am... free to feel,trust & move (& not deride, despise or slander you.)


If you are disappointed,hurt & angry because God hasnt made you the way you want to be just remember the road is long hard & narrow & only a few get to see how beautiful you are to Him & to me. Tough years, lonely tears,thirst for righteousness,hunger for holiness & patient fairhfulness will be rewarded with unconditional love,perfect peace & a strength to endure & overcome this human brokeness.


Your love is so strong. You love me when I am wrong. You love me when I am gone. You never hold my past against me or punish me or judge me, withdraw your affection from me or leave me. Your law makes sense, it protects me. You give me the power to obey. Your mercy is new each day. Honor, praise and glory to the King, the Holy Spirit, to the Lord Jesus Almighty.

Thursday, August 6, 2009


Trying to smile though your heart is breaking.Trying to care is just faking & impossible to sustain.Doing good for the sake of being good to win God's affection is vain.Is your walk all about you,your destination,your pain?No need for solitary solemn supplication its off to do homage & obligation?Humble pies are sweet,Grapes of Wrath are bitter.Take the confidence of Abram & follow the Creator of Creations twitter.What are the fruits of your strain?

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Patience grasshopper within you is planted a seed.You are in an army of peacemakers & a soldier commissioned to fulfill needs.A hero of self-sacrifice,a guided hand for the blind,a subtle reverberation to the deaf,be firm,be kind.Now these three remain,faith,hope&being gentle as a dove,steady as a rock,strong as a steed.Throw off all accusation,condemnation,all slanderous sin.Think before you speak,Love wins.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Pledge an oath,swear sweet as vinegar while swinging from a tree. Declare, profess pronounce agitating words stirring your coffee for your company in misery. Was not all the world your oyster & the groceries you did plunder, did they not bring ease, comfort & time to reflect & pray on your knees? Hearts torn with indignation over money, His decree still stands & I agree, one sin not forgiven, blasphemy.

Monday, August 3, 2009


A ubiquity of loneliness stretched over the human landscape like measles.The origin, theory & etiology of such forlorn lamentations is apparently false yet confounding to the psyche.Lack of spirituality, commonality & connectivity overwhelms rational perceptions resulting in fear & ambiguity toward kinship & use of emotive exaggerated, surly & often terse commentary.Lets all watch big purple Barney religiously.Piety?

Sunday, August 2, 2009


Sanctus Bell ring out our inner truth.Lovespell dig deep in the soil;bring forth memories of youth.Whithered tree leaning down stream spring new roots toward dreams coming true.Songs of the ancients sing.Posterity bring hope to us all.Holy Spirit bring a change of mind.We cannot love ourselves,our money&humanity at the same time.When i was small you could do no wrong;a new song says you are wrong.We need compassion.

Saturday, August 1, 2009


Vulnerable to everything but death, living on pesticides, preservatives, & processed packages of performance enhanced poultry;I'm alive.Sure of nothing but life, I believe in love, forgiveness & strife;I strive.Though I may be concerned about accidents, mishaps, misfortune & missed opportunity;God is my insurance policy.Faith does not deny reality; it looks beyond & works along side.Lord, help the hungry,lost & dying

Friday, July 31, 2009


I am so happy that we all agree. Any man in a foxhole in this century or any other would concur readily to the notion I am about to maître d'. Let me get naked before my homily then serve you prime rib, wild rice, yellow beans and hominy. The rain poors down on the wicked & the righteous. Some respond in agony, others respond with glee. Some soak in the richness of His love, grow, & regenerate by living joyfully.

Thursday, July 30, 2009


It is everso human to fail and rail against the powers that be. Jesus was surrounded by revolutionaries ready to overthrow the government. "Am I leading a rebellion?" He says in condescension when He was arrested. Dont get me wrong, I used to be a hellion & I resent anyone trying to control me but I surrender to His agenda, His ways, His opinion & no one elses (even my own). Give,really live,love,serve,be free.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Naming names in fame of plain love&blamelessness became so sparse, reputed reputable representatives of anything museworthy were subjects of shameless dishonor,derision&superstition in earshot of redemption falling to the floor brought no comment at all!(Anything newsworthy happened 2009 years ago&originates in knowledge,reason then faith)What is the benefit in proliferating doubts about giving benefit of the doubt?

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


I was 4 when I lost my mother;somewhere doubting & bothered. My twin brother is schizoaffective & bipolar. I did what I could to keep his head above water. He tried to kill me with a rock & hammer. He is forgiven;not by the system. My oldest brother died at 18;lives in love supreme. Dear younger, how can we come together? What about the fear & anger?Dad, what if work was over? There is a friend closer than a brother.

Monday, July 27, 2009


Fleshling step back, I have a mission. Demon be gone, I have a vision of a crooked line forming haphazard on the horizon, a mighty undertow & an imposing mountain; the wind is whipping wildly, the sky is yellow, peach and green, streams fill, rivers rise, the Kingdom of God before my eyes. City streets, billboards, fences, walls, human laws, violent disunity & poverty be gone. Just a dream? My God reigns supreme.

Saturday, July 25, 2009


A proclamation of solidarity with a specific set of theories based upon biased ideological analyses of past and current events, supposed vacillations in ambiguous data coloring public affection for popularly-contrived conceptual comments, provenly scientificated ramifications & a copious amount of ill-concieved pretentious moral bindings, underpinnings & grandstandings.A peaceful, spiritual mind & lifestyle deterrent.

Friday, July 24, 2009


Beatings, beratings & misfortune follows a fool around like a heinz 57 with a bladder problem. Now a good man may suffer similar but there is no shame, ruckus or bedlam. Asking the tough questions & doing whats right may be rewarded by browbeating, lies & dishonor like a freed man in the Antebellum but dont you worry. Sing those field songs all day long & come home to be soft, gentle & merry. Kingdom's comin quickly.

Thursday, July 23, 2009


The man with the gun, the woman "just having fun", the Sudanese & all the other countries opinions unstated, prorated & dually stated. There is One never overrated. What i do with this or that, him or her; Surprise! There is only one answer..I am flowing in the stream of purity now opening to a river. Eternally elected, willingly subjected, steadily perfected, growing like a Lebanon cedar. Equality is inherited.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Biblical Principles of Fair Trade

Proper crop rotation costs but saves the soil. A hired man avoids such toil. Free range livestock gives abundant life. A hired man avoids such strife. A personal touch means much;animals are helpers & part of the family. The levitical priests brought food to the laity. Land & tools are not to be taken as security for a debt. Embrace the alien; get their needs met. Give with your right hand, forgive debt, share the land.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Strong as an ox with the gentleness of a newborn in the shadow of million ton giant that uses the Golden Gate Bridge as a shoehorn. United Christians in Defense of the Poor score a critical hit with faith the size of a pea individually but collectively roughly the size of the Matterhorn. Thousands of children & parents now have safety, security, hope & community; no longer forlorn. Wait & see what happens next! He...

Monday, July 20, 2009


The innocence of a freshly laid egg like plates in the eyes of a kitten. The comfort & warmth of friends sittin on the porch pondering blessed norms & holy ways. Another soul escapes through the sun before it melts into a swampy haze. Black holes swirl through oceans of navy blue as diamonds spread out in vast array. Leaves stretch upwards, the racoon sleeps as the trees wait patiently for the almighty burning rays.

Sunday, July 19, 2009


Sweet sensuous passion where is your halo? Whats mine is supreme. To take a fall for innuendo or blind machismo in concomitant no show you'd think you'd need a savior. Whats mine is a dream. The stairs wrought difficulty for me midpoint I see there is no turning back. Whats mine is salacious. Bowling alone with no home at my doorstep pickin up slack. Whats mine is ubiquitous. Are we not all on the same team?

Saturday, July 18, 2009


People see what they want to see. A stone wall falling on me unexpectedly; public opinion actually. The crowd pushes against the city gates trodding over the prostrate to engage in pagan revelry. They whoop & hollar & seeth for glory in their names at all of the soccer, baseball and football games then go to church & stand quietly."I like this, dont like that" says the king in his epitaph; the judge of all he sees.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Holy Spirit

My grave is filled with water. I am married to my Father. I passed from death to life 17 years ago this September. Now there is a peculiar grin on my face when things are going wrong for me. I look silly because peacefulness in this world is as foreign as humility. Dont you worry but if you do I will be there to comfort & encourage you everso quietly.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

United Christians in Defense of the Poor

Floundering upstream he made it to a shallow pool, half way across the sky he found jet stream, the peaceful rest was beautiful. Clear dreams, incendiary passions, rushing streams, one world missions; the harvest is plentiful. United we stand. " Did you mean it when you said "I will be there to shake your hand. I will be there to share the land?"

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


To find love in the eyes of a woman, to find joy in the heart of a child, to find satisfaction in a job well done, to worship with all your strength, with your heart and mind open, this is what life is about, that is what the life of a man is for. My friend, have no doubt, if you cannot find this, if you cannot see it, beg God to let you in because you are standing out in the cold on the other side of the door.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Thank God you protected me or you knows where I might have been. Cymbal in front of me (the expression on your face) Im not scared (thats a lie) God, you are my justin case. Now I dont mind a little well to do & I get some fruit loops too. But man, you do not see what you do. I'm not lyin. I wont stand in your way. I'd give you my last dime if you carried me away. I am a lion. I'll tame your goat today.

Monday, July 13, 2009


God is love. God is a lion that can squash your head like a grape. God is a dove. God is the bull, the ox, the ape. God is man like Stan; the baby, the toddler, the boy, the girl, the belle, the bride, the queen & king, the angels that sing, the earth, the wind, the sky, the stars, cherubim. Interconnection, interdependant dance, codependant superior election of ultimate concern, intertwined in the wine like DNA.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Unconditional Positive Regard

Joyful giving exceptional living caring actually; quivering in anticipation of the first little grin appearing exactly on time. You are my sunshine! Oh happy day! My baby has come to stay! No matter what love finds away to stay though you are far away. Thank you Jesus forevermore breaking down my door!

Saturday, July 11, 2009


Citing problems with the socioeconomic enigma of the times & its tendencies to create confounding rhymes, his enigmatic response begat ideological bootstrapping & a deaf restructuring of social signs. Though his heartstrings flailed off key & his mistep in transcendcy, the belle of the ball was he; lost in contemplation, serving love in his imagination, helping himself to congratulations.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Nevertheless, kneading needing kneading & sowing needing sowing goes on all day. The dog, the plants, the dirt, they all need water. So much to do so little time. Who are you feeding that needs feeding? What are you growing that needs growing? Faith needs thinking, love needs tending, we all need redeeming. All in His good time.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Forward Movement

You can browbeat, bellow, bark or condescend; pursue, pummel, punish & imprison if you wish. Diffusion of morality is always a risk. If in consternation you accuse, discount and dismiss, use blame, shame & invective you are remiss. You breed fear, diffuse doubt & foment bitterness. Use patient observation & your empathetic imagination then teachable moments will arise in front of your eyes & you wont look so foolish.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Spiritual Warfare

Angels and demons clash in a battle for my soul. Demons bent on destruction garnish weapons of deception; the manifestation of guilt, shame and doubt the goal. The devil wears an evil grin. Swords flash, arrows fly, the battle rages as confusion sets in. I cry out for my Savior; demons run and hide, Angels cry "Victory! Lord Jesus reigns! Demons cannot win!"