Sunday, August 1, 2010


God,in his infinite wisdom has given me all things&many helpers to help me with all the responsibility that all things bring.He has infused me with thinking:a rational being endowed with passions,talents,revelations&rememberings.Thereby,in tandem apparent to the willing eye,he makes fruitful bunches,solid hunches&big lunches to sustain me&mine.All he asks is for me to share my good fortune with others&say why.


Earn big,go on vacation to the best locations,get big toys for big boys,accessorize;relationships are so very timely,tentative&sanitized here in the melting pot.They are relative,productive,substantive or they are not close at all.Can we find time to do more than malign,drink beer or wine and hold up signs of independent,superior pretense&prattle?One day we shall trade swords for plowshares altogether.


Us so very much a must.Shall humanity rust in the fog of distrust?Do men damaged by disdain dawdle behind doors?Does not goodwill deserve diligence?Whom shall say he has no care or concern for his brother&not serve him well?A fool.You who go to the school of good hard knocks&one to one joyful deference;laughing,crying,dying,turning in repentance;revelations of mercy&circumstance in the air.Us here.Us there.


In October he was quite sober at the 7th inning stretch.He heard shouts of wisdom cry out at homeplate:Self-help did prophesy so full of doubt he felt he must resist,placate,appease&pacify;he needs me.He hears whispers of shadows near;fear has found him out;he needs me.Behind bars,clothes or prose,he turns an ear to hear,nose to see;he needs me.He who cannot see or hear the empire near does not.


One may be two,three,four or may be may be two.two may be won lost was not two but 1.9999999% true to two.One was one.One was two then three:a whole;creator creation creativity.One's relationship to two was .0000001 true to two&one too.One is one to one.One is one to two&two is one to one to three one to one,be one to two,be one to three for One.One loves you.


Eating lotsa meat lotsa beans lotsa spaghetti&throwing rice&confetti;weddings,wakes,weekends waking late with&without the kids,loving midnight stars&quiet sitars weeping winsome wit&wisdom while we sit,sing&dance for 6,000 years of humanity,vanity&romance:a whole lotta loving going on the spawn never swim wistfully away.Each holiday is a chance to grow closer or move away.


I heard a rap at the window&saw a squirrel sleeping with its eyes open laying low upon a small limb;no violent wind threatened.The tree wanted company.At the creek the tadpoles ate algae&mold.The stream needed a bath anyway.The weeds took over the garden;the flowers smell grand.I have a dead chicken in my hand.He ate corn,got fat&wallowed with his sisters in chicken crap.The birds are sunning on the rooftop.


Forming a committee&arguing over carpet&utilities finally annointing 1% for the needy,they threw a party with decorations,desserts,drinks&cream cheese.After collecting beets,brusselsprouts,sourkraut&northern beans from their gentry,they paid Harry's wife to pack 100 cans on a skid&shipped it to Belize.Jim sold&sent donated tees;no more textile factories,no can openers,only displaced workers,no rest&ease in Belize.


Cobweb wound in wigs,muddy pigs,tiny twigs under eyelids,stubbed toes,bloody nose,brain tumors,worry of rumors,cancerous colons,tripping&falling,dark retina,quiet cochlea,cleft palate,force of habit,prosthetics,breech in ethics,hay fever,broken femur,mental illness,forgetfulness,yeast infection,myocardial infarction,premature birth,added girth,rotten teeth,insanity,wounded pride,lack of insight,a beginning,an end


Visualizing ratifying an obligatory rubric satisfactory of a few fitting his office,he dispensed aloud he should turn tables with tacit prayers&fables known by mortal man.Bloodshed roots embitter cahoots turned aloof&anesthetized by cowering from the sword of his mouth&the power of her hourly plans.Dig deep,aerate the soil,scatter the creeps;bring relief from this toil.Love&joy&all the best;I hope you rest awhile.


Every opinion leads to a million discrepancies,contingencies or fortuities;such tiny beings contemplating centuries of mishap,happenstance,circumstance&abnormalities.Formulating firm theology requires searching through history,unraveling mystery,exhaustive study&a willingness to admit your limited scope of reality.Wisdom does not come to the comfortable,certain or lazy.


So he had an epiphany&realized he wasnt giving any.He was playing old songs like a symphony that dredged on&on mourning rationality&lamenting individuality.Everyone dance to his melody&play the flute in sympathy.You cannot stand outside or be free.You must match his mentality,be less than his originality or your divergence will be met with a strategy to downplay your personality like a politician on tv.


Where thoughts come from&where they go I dont know.Killing time is killing me I just want to go home.It is about time again to find a better way to go.No I dont like it much when I am strung out on battling for my soul.Friends say to just lighten up but they dont know where I have been or where I have to go.Its simple enough:life is tough to live for God alone.Please dont say it will be ok;that's one thing I know.


There is some value in taking care of your body;not nearly as much as this culture wants to believe.The value is not in the details of what,how or where but why.It takes courage to love yourself enough to let loose of a vice before inspiration dies&better days have gone by.Building a house on the Rock sometimes we must stop&let God give it a try.


Some would say that they need you.Some might respond with what they are going through;managing the money&the food.Some may say some time to visit&pray would do.Some might respond with"my son's team is down 3 games to two."Some may say I asked everyone&it is down to you.Some might say they have no chair&no room,no forks or spoons.Some may go everywhere empty-handed;others will meet their doom.


Moving day dislodges sedentary ways;for most it comes too soon.A job or better pay,onto opportunity in another state,trading a lease for an estate&a new way to relate when you decorate.More anguish on its way for those that must migrate;no rooms,no roof,no food today forced to head straight for the United States where people eat,relax&play.The poorest of the poor seek freedom at our door.Sin turns them away.

mothers day

There is someone that is willing to sacrifice on your behalf;who always has your back.Do you respect them?Is it a happy mother's day?As a rock rolls downhill she comes.Have you run away?As a gypsy goes to play she runs.Do you forgive her delay?Some have gone away but in hearts&minds they stay.One is wicked,one is cruel,one is nobody's fool.Love least love most however you do love her&love you.


Knowing someone is to have experience face to face.Trusting gives permission to enter my space:a series of expectations met no interaction you regret.Concern&respect builds up to the safety of carelessness;a regular work of faith&togetherness.One thoughtless slip or loose lip wont sink the ship.Love combines all this with a grace that overlooks the chips,cracks&scars on a jar&patience that does not pick at the pits.


One look at your face;not much I can say.The pain could go away but we know it will stay longer than the embrace you have known.Lodged in a place counting all the days the tide comes&goes.The heartache washed away;moral failure&shame no one to blame that don't know.Not all that you've been is quivering deep within your mind now.Let the light in you know your gonna win somehow.Let good&bad resound:you found out.


Loving me some rules they help me keep my cool sitting on this lava flow.What is killing what is cruel hacking at truth with a blunt tool&rampaging through the do do do you knot&knot&knot know you tighten the noose of those hapless two-thirds too tangled up in tears,stricken with fear&so many helpless years without a father's word.Lock them up throw them away&pretend mercy was given&justice occurred.


Positive not nieve.Realistic not pessimistic.Nothing up my sleeve;no plan B.Herding cats, against the grain;lying far outside the stats.Less likely than mission impossible;I have gone limp,God is unstoppable.I am no match for the prim&proper.I am tinctured by this picture.I need no teacher,I need no doctor;no compromise no failure.


Patience wears thin when you begin talking.I cant change what needs changing.The steps that you have taken only show you are faking.I'm not sure what it is you think you are doing.Gaps in your explanations are protruding,your intentions are brooding like vultures in the air.I cant make you real.I cant make you care but know this:one day you will fall&I will stop&tell others not to stare.


Your mom&dad taught you to sin quite well:to hide lies&never tell,to blame others for your own shortcomings,to belittle others&criticize their lawnmowing;you're just saying what you need.Never admit to a selfish deed or any consequences of the life you lead.Justify all you do as your God given right to live&speak however you want to&blame God&the President for making things hard on you.You silly goose.


This yoke is splintering into my shoulder&rubbing my neck raw.I'd like to say I never complain at all that I stand in awe everyday.For all the power&glory around me,for all the kids that smile at me,for all the hedge fund lobbyists,public relations stylists&fundamentally fatalist that see no way,I bore my cross today.It really is no sacrifice at all;something so small a child could carry the weight.