Wednesday, April 28, 2010


A time to make less here;a little more there.Pellucid aesthetics,spiritual kinesthetics bringing life in the air;no time to sit&stare.Impetus precluding the ever brooding conscious despair;power tools of the selflessly aware.The vine spreads further each year.Congealing feeling,retrieving thinking from when you were four&you could here&now hear daddy open the door to revel in joy once more.


3 years after the millenium I went looking for a miracle.The horses watched&walked in circles.Wet in dew,process come due.I lay down&trust you.Mist between heaven&earth changed hues.I breathed in a freeman's due.I spoke out the truth.How I needed you to bring good news to the used&abused far from my view;a stone in my shoe.7 years completion&so much to do.


I was there when you were afraid I wouldn't be.I showed up right when you needed me.I made a way when you couldn't see.I forgave you when you didn't ask just to set you free.I listened to your voice sing&your heart bleed.I showed you how much you mean.Shining with love you shined back at me.I found you wandering away from me.I am whispering&crying out.Can you hear me?Oh,why do you not endear me?


My body,your body,your bride,your spouse might be beautiful,amazing,perfect,disfigured,dysfunctional,decomposing,damaged,offensive,disgusting or dirty but Christ's body is the church;a pure&holy bride beaming resplendent helping&welcoming me.The Holy Spirit lives in me,knows me,teaches me,sanctifies me&comforts me.I use my body to serve&honor God;sharing in the work of setting others free.


It seems natural to respond to social injustice.From a Jesus-centered perspective the useless,irrational,destructive&inhumane are a part of life process that leads us to repentance;new life in a new view.Humble yourself or God will humble you;we will all be humbled when time is due.He restores&makes the damaged whole through good works prepared for us to do.We wholly surrender anger,choose mercy&obey the truth.


The doctor put metal in his back that will not rust.The sargeant sent him to check the fuse.Well,he got lost&went&pissed somebody off&paid his dues.In God he put his trust but now he only wears one shoe.The weapons of aggression do not compare to the stench of polluted streams steaming in the air.Is that smell coming from me or you?Pure dreams of peaceful means&powerful scenes where God makes the old new.


Maybe it was what you said or what I heard in my head,I misunderstood the context or I didnt say what I intended.Perhaps you were expecting&didnt hear what you wanted or the moment got lost in the situation.Details change concepts remain but shift in application in the maze of communication.You give me provocation to dive deeper into this revelation;to find you in time&in part open your heart&impart fascination.


"Anything worth dying for is worth living for,"she whispered the other day as a prophet was admonishing the sleek priests in the Way:"If I may offer a criticism,forgive me;Amos was a bit country&tamed the wolves of the field but naive of the concrete jungle where the strong by slander&deceit put asunder truth revealed"Do not share truth here!We are the holy ones of our day.We shall hear no just plea.Go away!"


A strange relationship I have with weapons.I find them fascinating yet I'd never own one.I was horrified to get one for my 16th birthday&sold it one day although I like to shoot targets,good food&various rodents.I think it is morally wrong to intentionally shoot someone;disarm them instead.The death penalty is legalized revenge.Handguns are entirely unecessary.Conceal carry makes peacetime scary.God protects&defends.


Washing muddy celery for a monthly salary,Te Ching says life is a dragon&for him life was a draggin n' forcin rituals into line.Muhammed,Ali&Caliph trade warm wishes for trade routes in a long bout to nationalize.A germ of the Divine in Old Testament times;no man has the mind of the Creator.Oh,my wife she is in labor!Jubilee is coming soon!


Your plate is as full as mine yet you complain all the time.We could wade in&wash in healing brine&talk about the signs that lead to completion but you want to dine on paper mache crime from The New York Times.God is no respecter of nations.A special kinship to the One in leadership;you name drop on a dime.I'd give you what is mine but your delusion gets stronger with time;your eyes blur,your imagination is blind.


The door swung open when I asked for forgiveness.It was up to me to walk through&fully accept merciful bliss.The door swung open for him at the end of his life when he could walk no more.God alone knows if he went through the door.She walk passed,he froze in place,she looked around the place,he had an angry look on his face.The fruits of a tree are obvious:humility&kindness,vanity&blindness daily there is more.


Avoiding the unecessary word or action first makes fashioning a response to the necessary second.Capturing thoughts of ought&ought not juxtaposed to proverbial reason,choosing to be still in season&moving toward what is beneficial is wisdom.Pushed to a small space never forgetting grace in the midst of schism,the seeds of faith are blooming when fear is looming the only true choice is to trust Him.


Concrete blocks stand in the way now&I'm not sure which way to go.This brand of difficulty like a bug in the bathtub anxiety attempts to strip me of careful careless comfortable composure.Yeah,itsa bell ringer as if I was a singer suffering singing seizure.I'm no superman.I have tongue-tying mind-tickling teasers& unforeseen taxes,laxes&vexes threatening dream foreclosure in my world.


Love&affection,time to talk&listen giving full attention,a warm bath in trust with bubbles of honesty,a reflection in the mirrors of connectivity,intimacy,reciprocity&mutuality.Reasons for seasons of difficulty to fade&evolve faithfully.How I cherish your entity,your essences encompassing me religiously;an imperial adoration transferred emotionally,delicately,continually

Friday, April 9, 2010


The lines on the wall run down his face&angle up the ceiling.The dent in the door;the forehead more flat than feeling.One day he saw the end to the beginning.The angel traveled far to break his heart&feed him the scroll.He is the prisoner in us all lest you ever forget.By loving deeds my freedom set;beyond the bars now&in the trees yet wind shall blow.I am held fast deep below.


To trade love for meaningless sex,to look back in regret instead of looking at what is next,to settle for making money while ignoring your calling,to take what you can get instead of falling in love,holding on to the security of money afraid to give much or any,never changing exchanging faith for mediocrity,getting stuck on your own opinion continually,basing blessing on guessing&salvation on imagination.


God's will is a narrow path.You only know it,choose it&live it if you believe Jesus is coming back.If you dont know what it is,consider what you would like to do most&do the opposite.If you do,in the eyes of the world you will look like a loser&a fool;you will not be cool.To those looking for help from above you will be the face of love;to the wise you will be cool&when Jesus does come again you will rule.


Some days it feels like I am in a waiting room aloof in some daze that has come over me;stuck between living life or some fantasy.The door opens when I drift off to sleep.For the time I am gone who knows how long,how far or how deep the Spirit changes me;most changes are imperceptible to me.I wake up ten years later&I see the same dysfunctional being more clearly,somehow more at peace,more free.


Like poison ivy sin seems natural to scratch but it just keeps getting worse;the more you scratch the more you itch until you are so wrapped up in it you cant see that you're way off the path&your life is in a ditch.You could forgive yourself but dont have that power.You could stop on the right day at the right hour but you have no strength&your hopes have soured.Every man is a shelter but God is a strong tower.


Change is the norm.A perfect creation marred by disillusion and angst capable of rejoicing always in morning,night,noon,sun or storm.Happiness:a daydream of delight,a momentary alignment,full abundance on consignment,joy is forever true.Just living we have to lose.Dont let darkness overcome the light that is in you.


Traveling to the mailbox for the census,Jose dented a fender&rendered municipal seizure of duty free pesos.Sliding sideways on a slippery byway puncturing a radiator,Jesus met with the mediator&the injured operator then set to shoveling manure&tending pasture until this past year when the injured was better.Crying for justice some of us must depend on our creator.


Boots&dungarees,laundry facilities,baked potatos,chicken breast&steamed peas,transportation ease,local facilities,orchard trees,orange pepper&zucchini recipes,traumatic realities to lesser degrees,cultural sensitivities,sunburn or dead-freeze,short stay amenities for hapless,helpless,incidental economic refugees.


A nose that knows no noticable nefarious knowledge displays homage to no notable numen.An ear that hears fears steers near wisdom.Darting eyes strategize lies&decries spies stole the the lumen.Anxious feet greet neat streets,soft sheets&tasty treats&know no discrete defeat or rebellion.Handy hands land grand upon a broken man's land;every mouth needs a yeoman.


She fits a new summer dress.He considers what might be best.She was beaten in the battle&looking for a place to rest.He is sharpened by the daily test.She trades information for conquest.He thinks she is the greatest.She sees the trappings as coming from above.He is grappling with temptation of giving enough.They look at each other looking imaginative,contemplative;are you old enough for love?


In Christ there is no democrat,independent or republican;we are all libertarians but some confuse liberty to mean less government as if inalienable rights could be taken.Freedom is nothing left to lose&some people talking about good news.If your news is:trust no one,no such thing as altruism&the bills that are due you might consider finding better news,singing the blues or taking a cruise.


To live your life you have got to lose it.All my misdeeds,all my pride,all my selfishness that caused pain,the things I cant forget about,all my grief,this house haunted by doubt.Liberation from sympathy without restraint or overemphasizing constraint.An ambassador stands out in impecunious crowds with empty hands&healthy words in Laodecia,Tyre or the woods.


Encouragement let frank be frank&not curt.Joy's accord did afford misty warm tears of hurt.Tarry filled Harmony,in lieu of Victor ann Rob's windy reply,will mark time grace did carry&wait.Group time tempts the mind;aaron ties up,platitudes replace fran's space.Clair opened up,doris found freedom.


You thought about controlling your mouth the other day but inference,arrogance&critique came out to play.No need to stop for directions.You know the way.Your insolent prophetic revelation mocks any semblance of reasoning in compassion;You should be mayor of morality,governor of goodness&president of piety.You're a stop sign on display.


You have led you to this certain ending by pretending&grandstanding;leaning on your own understanding.Stories of celibacy,sacrifice,compassion&integrity are just examples of impossibility.Garner every excuse known to man.Lay it all out just like you planned.A wonderful distraction this modernity;different but the same denial,anger&shame.A true lover provides cover,most professors are insane.


If will will will it into an exist-stance of obedience to the Spirit's gover-nance&dance with what is noble,wonderful,beautiful,powerful&true.You cannot do anything about what someone else chooses to do;only protect the heart,the spirit,the essence of you.If that dreaded time came for blood to burst through let it be for me being me FOR you.


A brilliant sequel to a brilliant sequel give credit where credit is due:6 billion people,100 billion animals with something to do;no mindless energy wasted every part of creation singing in perfect tune.Wailing wickedness,subtle truths missed,blessed kindness,egalitarian blindness,vile viral verbal violence leading to repentence,healing or recompense soon.


Why can't someone get shoes for that boy's feet.Hi!,its too cold to be outside.They didnt really help but I'm sure they tried.It sure is dog eat dog out here.Can I give you a ride away from here?Oh wait,I'll hafta skip Disneyland this year.Wow,my belly is fat.You might need a place to put all that&a can opener,an oven or a shack.Glad I could help,I won't be back.Oh,God says you're a mess.Here's how to pass the test.


Thinly-veiled paranoia behind satire postulated as hypothetical;ready to backpeddle at minimal inquest.Piddle,prattle&posit nefarious presumptions presenting disproportionate propencity for placing purport in opinion;perplexing palatable principles into oblivion.Please publish a placard imparting prudence in procuring peaceful perspicacious pragmatic problem solving.


Your exegesis of neuropathy does not fully correlate to the context it was presented originally.The symbols do not define a demagogue of modernity nor a electronic conspiracy but a pernicious cultural dichotomy of sacrifice&necessity predicated in the economy of cosmology&resolved in any century the family confesses culpability&restores equality in consistancy with the stated prophecy.


Sometimes I reckon the correct cause&mission;to help others listen to the voice of God.The call to Christ must include some vision of what He is like&if we are to follow Him,where are we going?What is Jesus all about?Once we are with Him,what do we do?Go speak all over town?Jesus Himself did boldly profess that He came to set free the oppressed&bring about justice for them&us&we shall do no less.


The words on the page became a blur.My soul was hungry for the answer.I cut my life into pieces.He helped me put them back together.I was drowning in the way things were.I came up for air;grasping for sanity I divorced those closest to me.He showed me how I got there.How silence won't kill me&what is left to bare.All there was&will be was soaked in despair&then like yesterday I disappeared.


Your life is in God's hands.Talk to children so they understand.Your family needs your patient attention&time is all you have.Study,prayer,meditation,meet your neighbor.Defend the poor,strengthen the weak,help the elder;time we devour&usurp God's power.All these set aside for keeping stride,splitting your side,shaping your belly&thighs to please eyes or saving your own life.