Sunday, February 28, 2010


I had rabbit hash in Kentucky&I was feeling kinda yucky but i didnt get the toots.I coulda had the teriyaki with a shot of sake;maybe the ginger&honey woulda sweetened my roots.You can go all over the country&make a lot of money but time comes to pay its due.In due time it's coming down to me or you.I know what you're gonna do.I'm bursting with fruit.I'm splitting myself in two.


Blueberries,strawberries,rasberries too;dandelions,gardenias,roses in bloom.Songbirds,crickets,hoot owls hoo.Raccoons,opposums,squirrel stew;pigs,poultry,cows moo.Grass,trees,sky hue.Lake,river,ocean blue;baby,mommy,me&you.All these we touch,hear,see,smell,eat or walk through to enjoy,to love,to taste&see that God is good.


Many create a god that is working on wishes,guiding fast pitches&has a scheme to bring sin into heaven;others create a tyrant ruling from above that punishes every emotion,that does not care about suffering,a god that requires you earn his love.Never could they imagine he is right by their side urging them to take sides in a battle between love&selfishness;giving selfless,waiting for them to take the first step.


Some things never change.Little legs swinging back&forth on a swing on the porch while grandma tells stories of slow dances&grandpa's torch,bedtime stories,hugs&prayers,Sunday afternoon laughter&Thursday night dinners,baby falling asleep on daddy's chest giving mom some time to rest,bubble baths filled with giggles&laughs.Of all that changes&changes fast family forever lasts.


speeling an punkchewashun are very impartint asspeks of yur profeshunal persona.If ya speel stuff rong criticall peeple tend ta think yur stoopid&wanna religate ya to the sofa.Now I aint sayin y'all shood care won iotee bout sum hi fulootin fella's thawts on intelligense er let the bigwigs getcha down.Mattera fack i'd just tellim ta git sum book learnin on ackseptince.


Even the most positive,goal-oriented,well-rounded individual is bound to become tired,lack motivation&dwell in limbo uninspired.I don't mind saying that's how I feel right now.Like a steed that won't come out of the barn I'm just standing here looking around.My best guess is that I am thinking about what's wrong&dwelling on it too long.Nevertheless,I'm not getting too down because I'm not lost,I am found.


Never pretend or hide your feelings or hold stubbornly to pride,hurt&anger.The hardened hearts are tormented&torchered souls&true losers living out a bad dream so far from mercy they can see no blessing.Let them have your pity so you can make room for forgiveness&healing&faith to color your paint by number dreams.Safe boundaries let in the trustworthy.Peacemakers walk slowly,confidently,humbly free.


You may bow your head in prayer daily.You may give your time,your money,attend church every Sunday,give to the poor,build up the weak;thousands may come to hear you speak.Your voice may sound like a chorus of angels,the Lords name you may profess and exalt but try as you may there will be no peace,no freedom,no joy for you until you are willing to say,"this is my sin&it is my fault."


If you cant believe life is going downhill so fast&you feel like you're gonna crash;the laughs never last,you're losing more than you ever thought you'd have&with every attempt to dig yourself out you fall back into a pile of trash,take heart!There is treasure at the bottom of that slippery slope.Once you finally let go&let God you will find hope at the end of that rope.

glee club

Playtime is number one;only living to have fun.Me-time is anytime.There are games to be won.It feels good to give some,to not be ignored or bored.Why not make a way to prove to that you're in the game.Minimal,timely,traditional ascetism to breakup the rhythm;as if sacrifice was given,love was written on a token or your spirit had ever been broken.Oh tepid,trite tools your best love is cruel.


My good friend was not always so good.He used to blame me&shame me&make me fight for a moments peace.He would attack me&try to assassinate me&make up lies about me&tell them to my face.Well,another friend came&helped me put him in his place.Now he comes knocking every now&then but I wont let him in.Now I have a good friend that speaks truth to me.


So many simple pleasures&free treasures get overlooked in favor of deadlines,highway signs&brutal minds.Surrounded by bad dreams&untimely scenes of human disregard makes them hard to find sometimes.Holding on to what is real I stay on an even keel&heaven on earth has much more appeal than all those dreaded forethoughts wrought with steel that fall so hard.

Sunday, February 14, 2010


Whether it be the Jewish people,the nation of Islam,Catholic or Protestant we all worship the same God;the God of Noah,Abraham,Isaac,Jacob,Joseph&Moses.For most,it is the supremacy of Christ that divides us.Jesus prayed that we would all be united,not divided.This is our destiny&no simple task.Before we get cynical,racial,call a battle cry or become lax,stop&consider this mission&the one who asked.


If we were all outside living in tents a passerby might think we worshipped the sky.If we lived in tribes&were used,abused&led into slavery again&again some might think we were the most unlucky,unfortunate,misguided group on the planet.If we fight amongst ourselves&put others through hell some might think our religion is just a habit.Thank God he wrote the truth on our hearts otherwise we just wouldnt have it.


The Word is perfect,plain&clear.Questions are welcomed in the context of accepting what you hear.The old truth,the old morality are the only;the only way to be happy is to obey.The rabbit chasers of today go there own way.There is nothing new,no better way.Those that suffer are done with sin.There is no such thing as trying only steps to overcome,will to be done&the process of learning how to love the Son.


I stopped in Texas where there's a cop at every corner&the wind drives you backwards then made my way to California to hear the high-class morose&destitute laughter.On the plains of Nebraska I heard Dylan&Kafka say prudence is like a stone.The communistwealth of Virginia made malady on their own.Florida,Tennessee,Alabama widened white dogma in the Carolinas.They sin&sin nasty at home.


I love your law.Your commandments are so perfect,so simple&so raw.They are not so hard to keep when I know you love me&watch over me as I sleep.Sincere love is the key each one.Faithfulness,honor&self-control come natural when you have overcome my heart,renewed my mind&stand beside me for all time.I want to dance.I want to sing about your kingdom&the freedom it brings.


I have tried every way I know how.I have done the best I could&I still get lost somehow.At times I am still sad,frustrated,broken&lonely.Lord,please take this yoke of mine&replace it with yours which is not as heavy.Send good men&women into my life.Help me love&accept them as family.Forgive me,Lord,my sin;for thinking I knew a better way.Surely you know better than I since you created me&all that I survey.


One last look into his eyes&I am breaking inside.The space in between seems to wax&wane.One minute he feels so close,the next I am filled with pain&I am lost within myself just hoping to see you again.Sometimes I am already there watching the wind blow through your hair with a smile on your face we embrace&nothing comes between us.In this feeling I know a little how it is to be God&let go of Jesus.


Nationalism is not guilt by association but we suffer just the same.Like riding in a car with locked doors,no steering wheel&no brakes,the curse of sin cannot be escaped.I may live my life in submission to Christ&love humankind&all believers but if my countrymen oppose God,engage in war for profit,see the suffering of the poor&do nothing to stop it,calamity will come down upon us but I will not lament.
I wonder what its like not to fight,to lay your head down at night knowing all is right,to gush mushy love&happiness,basking in the glory of God daily,deflecting every slight,never getting angry at stumbles,fumbles,troubles&futility,always spending your time right.But wait, maybe I have seen what it is like.It's called pretending to be a light.


Speaking the truth in love is not followed by judging when you walk away.Listening for Heaven's sake doesnt mean you ignore anyway.Postulating political pressure in hopes of pummeling imprudent perpetrators is not part of maintaining justice or defending the poor anymore than killing the enemy or imprisoning hippys.God's power in the hands of the humble will bring liberty.


It's simple to slip into cynical,to never see a miracle.Your words to slaughter,your dreams like cannon fodder,bound&found there underneath what's fickle,thick with grit.You wake to spit at absolutely everything&what's wrong with it.The ground rushes closer.You will feel it hit.Awaken to the merciful,to all that's beautiful&attribute it to all that is spiritual.


I woke up way too early to say I love you God,you have done such great work in me.Sometimes I am half blind but through you I see I am merely a vessel,a plant,a seed,a tree.You are a light for my feet&that is as far as I need to see.You paid the price for me.You make all things&give them to me.You make all things possible for me.The best you give is free.With the eyes of my heart I see.You take such good care of me.