Wednesday, October 21, 2009

no excuse

The feeling you get when you look at the sunset over amber waves of grain,that feeling that starts in your chest then intoxicates your brain&you didnt realize you were saying "awwwwe" with your bottom lip on the floor&your eyes open wide,yeah thats the one with a little fear&trembling of joy inside,thats how you know God is alive.It cant be contrived.


God turned on the light this morning&now all i see is an incredibly beautiful&fascinating living planet taken for granted.I trust he will turn off the lights&I will dream of even more fantastic scenes where all is right minus a few things worth mentioning.Even on my worst day I taste no defeat,bitterness or spite while helping others to see the light,to feel right&sleep sound tonight.God opened MY eyes.Who is wise?


I have no doubt that local school,water&sewer boards commit larceny,intimidation& otherwise finagle funds as much as the county,city&state hoards money from the Fed. Statesmen,officers,executives&investors are looking for dividends.Voyeurism,Imperialism or Capitalism one truth is clear.In God we trust not the pundit,the elect or volunteer.I pray&have faith that God will draw near.A citizen of heaven or here?


Just when you thought you'd had enough you realize loving others can be tough&rough&stuff changes&rearranges&goes through stages&phases of what is love&what should never be.If love is the reason then you bear the seasons&burdens in some way&stay committed to sharing the truth of who you are today&in some way convey a peaceful confidence in solving mysteries everyday.What is shall be.


The good,the bad,the ugly all work together somehow I cant fully understand now&I will probably never comprehend.I can see that suffering works for good in the end,good gives faith a hand&hope a place to land;the ugly leads me to repent.No matter what God provides a way out:no matter how hardened or full of doubt,mercy is available,wisdom cries out.So dont hide or be afraid to fall,find safe people&just get it out.

rules or principles

One moments lack of attention to honor can take years to unfurl.Socially mediated conveniences change daily around the world.Drive 25 in front of a school,safety first unless you are cursed with running around like a fool.Wear a seatbelt or you might end up sitting in the hospital in your own stool.Use someone for cheap labor because they know no better,get sex with no love letter&your curse could last forever.


Eye to eye&face to face with the creator of the human race."Its all yours.Take care of this place,give some back(vertically&horizontally)&you wont have to worry about poverty or attack."Wandering around in plenty of space,loving life in abundant grace was just not enough to entertain&the snakes insinuation made him jealous of fame.The curse carries on unless blessings take their place.Are you blessed or the same?


With so much time spent sleeping,eating,shopping,dressing,washing this,cleaning its a wonder we have time to sanitize,moisterize,primp,prep,accentuate,decorate or deodorize.Im not sayin hygiene is not important after all you dont truly hate your body even those in despair will eventually care for it out of necessity.The body a temple?Here,look at my pimple.Anything pure&holy about it?


Just like you I am trying to find the next step.I'll find it&not fall from it cuz Christ is holding me.Its wild to think there is another.I cant put into words how it is to be free.I was set free in 2003(sanctified in '93)in a hole in 1990 but today I am encouraging inmates,learning from classmates,worshipping from the bass(or drums)&teaching children joyfully.Thank you for serving with me.


Its easy to cherish a child.Each one is the same&different,similarly unique&very special in their own way;curiosity wins over concerns,investigation over doubt&honesty over reputation.Who knows what they will do or say?For such an intrusion on rules,order&agenda they are promptly pardoned by the kind sensei.Why is it so hard to cherish adults the same way?They are just big kids anyway.


All of creation strains for daily satisfaction of life-giving water&nutrition;some lack provision,some face starvation,some depend on corporate speculations to keep inflation down,others must keep moving around.Pain is to gain&a necessary evil yet we have a choice.You can waste your time building up your temple,buying a Rolls-Royce&chasing pleasure or give time&money so others can have a choice. Whoever wishes to save their life shall lose it but whomsoever loses his life shall save it.


The things I cannot change I put into God's hands&say"He will find a way"&pray that if I missed a way to make it clear to me so that I may change me,society&our world community.I never want to continue to consider & communicate justice,talk equality,strategize love or refer to humility.Let me speak&act justly following your guidance,trusting your will as I listen & work diligently.


The truth hurts and its a good thing.I've seen what can happen when you hear it but do nothing.It crys out at the city gate&out at the natural spring.Drink it in&death loses its sting.Spit it out&life is not worth living.If I have no shame I am to blame,no guilt&I'da killed.With all this grace in my face I rarely see shame.This mercy breaks the curse of blame.Truth treats us all the same.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

church light

satan is one cunning liar:all the excuses,temptations,accusations&ire your desires require in a wicker basket set on fire.something from nothing,naked with clothing,giving but withholding,knowing but not knowing,patently judging an anomaly,teaching but not preaching the challenging details,sincere intentional kindness randomly not daily faithfully lovingly humbly honestly:truly beneficially providing&guiding wisely.


thank you all for your birthday wishes! I am glad I didnt hafta go to work or do the dishes! Im not one for huntin deer or catchin fishs but you bet I'll have a happy birthday! The staples were vicious. I hated those stitches&those crutches are just relentless but life is delicious! I wouldna missed this for the world!


The natural reponse to:"Trust me.Take my word for it.Yes I will or no I wont"is to say "show dont tell"I need some proof,some reason to believe"If i am trusting you with my heart,my mind or energy its not cynical or skeptical but sensible to desire something tangible, give poor Tom a break.We have God's word to take.Find out what it really says before you put faith in superstition or suffer long for one mistake.


Its amazing how far some have travelled outside the bounds of the mission at hand.Lost in the details like being buried in the sand they just cant seem to feel anything but sand in their crack.They are on the attack&refuse to go back to the mercy that drew them in.As if grace is for the strong&correction for the weak,respect for the hard&insults for the meek.I hope you're broken before sin does you in.


A mighty wave of heartbreak when a lover eats bread of discontent,drinks in deceit:a bent toward selfishness,threats&entitlements.Add insult to injury suddenly seeing reality or deficiencies,or imaginatively constructed,carefully selected theories.A mighty wave of mercy&prayer brings equality into focus,a welcome catharsis:seperation,nothing to mention,eternal affection.


If you get hurried you miss the essence.One day can make the difference.A momentary inference seems credible until a crucial deviation takes egress from the hall.Just went you though you had heard it all,what was understood is no longer palpable:we scratch our heads & wonder why we didnt see it before.No person is infallible.Some think more.If you think you know for sure,you may not know at all.

Good Grief

Jimmy says good grief opens the door of the poor in spirit(the one standing in the corner too long)&sets free the calf from the stall.Grief like a benevolent thief takes it all into perspective decides whats relative to love&peace(to what is noble)&gives more experience at ease,of understanding needs&the treasure of dreams.Though we may share our troubles,its hard to share our grief&harder to share our joy.


Christmas decorations,paint cans,wet blankets,baseballs,old socks,a word processor,a vacuum cleaner,a brown recluse in a big bulky box,a record player,a bunch of old rags that stink,angry recollections,white sheets stained in mud,jealous competition,shame,blame,quest for fame,selfish-ambition,a dumpster full of lust,disgust,fear,anxiety,worry&regret&a kitchen sink.

Small Group

Willing to listen,willing to speak I hasten to seek your response.Playing around with fonts is no way to quicken the throwing of inhibitions.Casual meetings of associates greeting daily bleetings of perfunctory bits of information stunt a true connection.A small group keeps you in the loop so your fishin line doesnt come back empty:once you share your inner thoughts&motivations, you have a new family situation.