Sunday, August 1, 2010


God,in his infinite wisdom has given me all things&many helpers to help me with all the responsibility that all things bring.He has infused me with thinking:a rational being endowed with passions,talents,revelations&rememberings.Thereby,in tandem apparent to the willing eye,he makes fruitful bunches,solid hunches&big lunches to sustain me&mine.All he asks is for me to share my good fortune with others&say why.


Earn big,go on vacation to the best locations,get big toys for big boys,accessorize;relationships are so very timely,tentative&sanitized here in the melting pot.They are relative,productive,substantive or they are not close at all.Can we find time to do more than malign,drink beer or wine and hold up signs of independent,superior pretense&prattle?One day we shall trade swords for plowshares altogether.


Us so very much a must.Shall humanity rust in the fog of distrust?Do men damaged by disdain dawdle behind doors?Does not goodwill deserve diligence?Whom shall say he has no care or concern for his brother&not serve him well?A fool.You who go to the school of good hard knocks&one to one joyful deference;laughing,crying,dying,turning in repentance;revelations of mercy&circumstance in the air.Us here.Us there.


In October he was quite sober at the 7th inning stretch.He heard shouts of wisdom cry out at homeplate:Self-help did prophesy so full of doubt he felt he must resist,placate,appease&pacify;he needs me.He hears whispers of shadows near;fear has found him out;he needs me.Behind bars,clothes or prose,he turns an ear to hear,nose to see;he needs me.He who cannot see or hear the empire near does not.


One may be two,three,four or may be may be two.two may be won lost was not two but 1.9999999% true to two.One was one.One was two then three:a whole;creator creation creativity.One's relationship to two was .0000001 true to two&one too.One is one to one.One is one to two&two is one to one to three one to one,be one to two,be one to three for One.One loves you.


Eating lotsa meat lotsa beans lotsa spaghetti&throwing rice&confetti;weddings,wakes,weekends waking late with&without the kids,loving midnight stars&quiet sitars weeping winsome wit&wisdom while we sit,sing&dance for 6,000 years of humanity,vanity&romance:a whole lotta loving going on the spawn never swim wistfully away.Each holiday is a chance to grow closer or move away.


I heard a rap at the window&saw a squirrel sleeping with its eyes open laying low upon a small limb;no violent wind threatened.The tree wanted company.At the creek the tadpoles ate algae&mold.The stream needed a bath anyway.The weeds took over the garden;the flowers smell grand.I have a dead chicken in my hand.He ate corn,got fat&wallowed with his sisters in chicken crap.The birds are sunning on the rooftop.


Forming a committee&arguing over carpet&utilities finally annointing 1% for the needy,they threw a party with decorations,desserts,drinks&cream cheese.After collecting beets,brusselsprouts,sourkraut&northern beans from their gentry,they paid Harry's wife to pack 100 cans on a skid&shipped it to Belize.Jim sold&sent donated tees;no more textile factories,no can openers,only displaced workers,no rest&ease in Belize.


Cobweb wound in wigs,muddy pigs,tiny twigs under eyelids,stubbed toes,bloody nose,brain tumors,worry of rumors,cancerous colons,tripping&falling,dark retina,quiet cochlea,cleft palate,force of habit,prosthetics,breech in ethics,hay fever,broken femur,mental illness,forgetfulness,yeast infection,myocardial infarction,premature birth,added girth,rotten teeth,insanity,wounded pride,lack of insight,a beginning,an end


Visualizing ratifying an obligatory rubric satisfactory of a few fitting his office,he dispensed aloud he should turn tables with tacit prayers&fables known by mortal man.Bloodshed roots embitter cahoots turned aloof&anesthetized by cowering from the sword of his mouth&the power of her hourly plans.Dig deep,aerate the soil,scatter the creeps;bring relief from this toil.Love&joy&all the best;I hope you rest awhile.


Every opinion leads to a million discrepancies,contingencies or fortuities;such tiny beings contemplating centuries of mishap,happenstance,circumstance&abnormalities.Formulating firm theology requires searching through history,unraveling mystery,exhaustive study&a willingness to admit your limited scope of reality.Wisdom does not come to the comfortable,certain or lazy.


So he had an epiphany&realized he wasnt giving any.He was playing old songs like a symphony that dredged on&on mourning rationality&lamenting individuality.Everyone dance to his melody&play the flute in sympathy.You cannot stand outside or be free.You must match his mentality,be less than his originality or your divergence will be met with a strategy to downplay your personality like a politician on tv.


Where thoughts come from&where they go I dont know.Killing time is killing me I just want to go home.It is about time again to find a better way to go.No I dont like it much when I am strung out on battling for my soul.Friends say to just lighten up but they dont know where I have been or where I have to go.Its simple enough:life is tough to live for God alone.Please dont say it will be ok;that's one thing I know.


There is some value in taking care of your body;not nearly as much as this culture wants to believe.The value is not in the details of what,how or where but why.It takes courage to love yourself enough to let loose of a vice before inspiration dies&better days have gone by.Building a house on the Rock sometimes we must stop&let God give it a try.


Some would say that they need you.Some might respond with what they are going through;managing the money&the food.Some may say some time to visit&pray would do.Some might respond with"my son's team is down 3 games to two."Some may say I asked everyone&it is down to you.Some might say they have no chair&no room,no forks or spoons.Some may go everywhere empty-handed;others will meet their doom.


Moving day dislodges sedentary ways;for most it comes too soon.A job or better pay,onto opportunity in another state,trading a lease for an estate&a new way to relate when you decorate.More anguish on its way for those that must migrate;no rooms,no roof,no food today forced to head straight for the United States where people eat,relax&play.The poorest of the poor seek freedom at our door.Sin turns them away.

mothers day

There is someone that is willing to sacrifice on your behalf;who always has your back.Do you respect them?Is it a happy mother's day?As a rock rolls downhill she comes.Have you run away?As a gypsy goes to play she runs.Do you forgive her delay?Some have gone away but in hearts&minds they stay.One is wicked,one is cruel,one is nobody's fool.Love least love most however you do love her&love you.


Knowing someone is to have experience face to face.Trusting gives permission to enter my space:a series of expectations met no interaction you regret.Concern&respect builds up to the safety of carelessness;a regular work of faith&togetherness.One thoughtless slip or loose lip wont sink the ship.Love combines all this with a grace that overlooks the chips,cracks&scars on a jar&patience that does not pick at the pits.


One look at your face;not much I can say.The pain could go away but we know it will stay longer than the embrace you have known.Lodged in a place counting all the days the tide comes&goes.The heartache washed away;moral failure&shame no one to blame that don't know.Not all that you've been is quivering deep within your mind now.Let the light in you know your gonna win somehow.Let good&bad resound:you found out.


Loving me some rules they help me keep my cool sitting on this lava flow.What is killing what is cruel hacking at truth with a blunt tool&rampaging through the do do do you knot&knot&knot know you tighten the noose of those hapless two-thirds too tangled up in tears,stricken with fear&so many helpless years without a father's word.Lock them up throw them away&pretend mercy was given&justice occurred.


Positive not nieve.Realistic not pessimistic.Nothing up my sleeve;no plan B.Herding cats, against the grain;lying far outside the stats.Less likely than mission impossible;I have gone limp,God is unstoppable.I am no match for the prim&proper.I am tinctured by this picture.I need no teacher,I need no doctor;no compromise no failure.


Patience wears thin when you begin talking.I cant change what needs changing.The steps that you have taken only show you are faking.I'm not sure what it is you think you are doing.Gaps in your explanations are protruding,your intentions are brooding like vultures in the air.I cant make you real.I cant make you care but know this:one day you will fall&I will stop&tell others not to stare.


Your mom&dad taught you to sin quite well:to hide lies&never tell,to blame others for your own shortcomings,to belittle others&criticize their lawnmowing;you're just saying what you need.Never admit to a selfish deed or any consequences of the life you lead.Justify all you do as your God given right to live&speak however you want to&blame God&the President for making things hard on you.You silly goose.


This yoke is splintering into my shoulder&rubbing my neck raw.I'd like to say I never complain at all that I stand in awe everyday.For all the power&glory around me,for all the kids that smile at me,for all the hedge fund lobbyists,public relations stylists&fundamentally fatalist that see no way,I bore my cross today.It really is no sacrifice at all;something so small a child could carry the weight.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


A time to make less here;a little more there.Pellucid aesthetics,spiritual kinesthetics bringing life in the air;no time to sit&stare.Impetus precluding the ever brooding conscious despair;power tools of the selflessly aware.The vine spreads further each year.Congealing feeling,retrieving thinking from when you were four&you could here&now hear daddy open the door to revel in joy once more.


3 years after the millenium I went looking for a miracle.The horses watched&walked in circles.Wet in dew,process come due.I lay down&trust you.Mist between heaven&earth changed hues.I breathed in a freeman's due.I spoke out the truth.How I needed you to bring good news to the used&abused far from my view;a stone in my shoe.7 years completion&so much to do.


I was there when you were afraid I wouldn't be.I showed up right when you needed me.I made a way when you couldn't see.I forgave you when you didn't ask just to set you free.I listened to your voice sing&your heart bleed.I showed you how much you mean.Shining with love you shined back at me.I found you wandering away from me.I am whispering&crying out.Can you hear me?Oh,why do you not endear me?


My body,your body,your bride,your spouse might be beautiful,amazing,perfect,disfigured,dysfunctional,decomposing,damaged,offensive,disgusting or dirty but Christ's body is the church;a pure&holy bride beaming resplendent helping&welcoming me.The Holy Spirit lives in me,knows me,teaches me,sanctifies me&comforts me.I use my body to serve&honor God;sharing in the work of setting others free.


It seems natural to respond to social injustice.From a Jesus-centered perspective the useless,irrational,destructive&inhumane are a part of life process that leads us to repentance;new life in a new view.Humble yourself or God will humble you;we will all be humbled when time is due.He restores&makes the damaged whole through good works prepared for us to do.We wholly surrender anger,choose mercy&obey the truth.


The doctor put metal in his back that will not rust.The sargeant sent him to check the fuse.Well,he got lost&went&pissed somebody off&paid his dues.In God he put his trust but now he only wears one shoe.The weapons of aggression do not compare to the stench of polluted streams steaming in the air.Is that smell coming from me or you?Pure dreams of peaceful means&powerful scenes where God makes the old new.


Maybe it was what you said or what I heard in my head,I misunderstood the context or I didnt say what I intended.Perhaps you were expecting&didnt hear what you wanted or the moment got lost in the situation.Details change concepts remain but shift in application in the maze of communication.You give me provocation to dive deeper into this revelation;to find you in time&in part open your heart&impart fascination.


"Anything worth dying for is worth living for,"she whispered the other day as a prophet was admonishing the sleek priests in the Way:"If I may offer a criticism,forgive me;Amos was a bit country&tamed the wolves of the field but naive of the concrete jungle where the strong by slander&deceit put asunder truth revealed"Do not share truth here!We are the holy ones of our day.We shall hear no just plea.Go away!"


A strange relationship I have with weapons.I find them fascinating yet I'd never own one.I was horrified to get one for my 16th birthday&sold it one day although I like to shoot targets,good food&various rodents.I think it is morally wrong to intentionally shoot someone;disarm them instead.The death penalty is legalized revenge.Handguns are entirely unecessary.Conceal carry makes peacetime scary.God protects&defends.


Washing muddy celery for a monthly salary,Te Ching says life is a dragon&for him life was a draggin n' forcin rituals into line.Muhammed,Ali&Caliph trade warm wishes for trade routes in a long bout to nationalize.A germ of the Divine in Old Testament times;no man has the mind of the Creator.Oh,my wife she is in labor!Jubilee is coming soon!


Your plate is as full as mine yet you complain all the time.We could wade in&wash in healing brine&talk about the signs that lead to completion but you want to dine on paper mache crime from The New York Times.God is no respecter of nations.A special kinship to the One in leadership;you name drop on a dime.I'd give you what is mine but your delusion gets stronger with time;your eyes blur,your imagination is blind.


The door swung open when I asked for forgiveness.It was up to me to walk through&fully accept merciful bliss.The door swung open for him at the end of his life when he could walk no more.God alone knows if he went through the door.She walk passed,he froze in place,she looked around the place,he had an angry look on his face.The fruits of a tree are obvious:humility&kindness,vanity&blindness daily there is more.


Avoiding the unecessary word or action first makes fashioning a response to the necessary second.Capturing thoughts of ought&ought not juxtaposed to proverbial reason,choosing to be still in season&moving toward what is beneficial is wisdom.Pushed to a small space never forgetting grace in the midst of schism,the seeds of faith are blooming when fear is looming the only true choice is to trust Him.


Concrete blocks stand in the way now&I'm not sure which way to go.This brand of difficulty like a bug in the bathtub anxiety attempts to strip me of careful careless comfortable composure.Yeah,itsa bell ringer as if I was a singer suffering singing seizure.I'm no superman.I have tongue-tying mind-tickling teasers& unforeseen taxes,laxes&vexes threatening dream foreclosure in my world.


Love&affection,time to talk&listen giving full attention,a warm bath in trust with bubbles of honesty,a reflection in the mirrors of connectivity,intimacy,reciprocity&mutuality.Reasons for seasons of difficulty to fade&evolve faithfully.How I cherish your entity,your essences encompassing me religiously;an imperial adoration transferred emotionally,delicately,continually

Friday, April 9, 2010


The lines on the wall run down his face&angle up the ceiling.The dent in the door;the forehead more flat than feeling.One day he saw the end to the beginning.The angel traveled far to break his heart&feed him the scroll.He is the prisoner in us all lest you ever forget.By loving deeds my freedom set;beyond the bars now&in the trees yet wind shall blow.I am held fast deep below.


To trade love for meaningless sex,to look back in regret instead of looking at what is next,to settle for making money while ignoring your calling,to take what you can get instead of falling in love,holding on to the security of money afraid to give much or any,never changing exchanging faith for mediocrity,getting stuck on your own opinion continually,basing blessing on guessing&salvation on imagination.


God's will is a narrow path.You only know it,choose it&live it if you believe Jesus is coming back.If you dont know what it is,consider what you would like to do most&do the opposite.If you do,in the eyes of the world you will look like a loser&a fool;you will not be cool.To those looking for help from above you will be the face of love;to the wise you will be cool&when Jesus does come again you will rule.


Some days it feels like I am in a waiting room aloof in some daze that has come over me;stuck between living life or some fantasy.The door opens when I drift off to sleep.For the time I am gone who knows how long,how far or how deep the Spirit changes me;most changes are imperceptible to me.I wake up ten years later&I see the same dysfunctional being more clearly,somehow more at peace,more free.


Like poison ivy sin seems natural to scratch but it just keeps getting worse;the more you scratch the more you itch until you are so wrapped up in it you cant see that you're way off the path&your life is in a ditch.You could forgive yourself but dont have that power.You could stop on the right day at the right hour but you have no strength&your hopes have soured.Every man is a shelter but God is a strong tower.


Change is the norm.A perfect creation marred by disillusion and angst capable of rejoicing always in morning,night,noon,sun or storm.Happiness:a daydream of delight,a momentary alignment,full abundance on consignment,joy is forever true.Just living we have to lose.Dont let darkness overcome the light that is in you.


Traveling to the mailbox for the census,Jose dented a fender&rendered municipal seizure of duty free pesos.Sliding sideways on a slippery byway puncturing a radiator,Jesus met with the mediator&the injured operator then set to shoveling manure&tending pasture until this past year when the injured was better.Crying for justice some of us must depend on our creator.


Boots&dungarees,laundry facilities,baked potatos,chicken breast&steamed peas,transportation ease,local facilities,orchard trees,orange pepper&zucchini recipes,traumatic realities to lesser degrees,cultural sensitivities,sunburn or dead-freeze,short stay amenities for hapless,helpless,incidental economic refugees.


A nose that knows no noticable nefarious knowledge displays homage to no notable numen.An ear that hears fears steers near wisdom.Darting eyes strategize lies&decries spies stole the the lumen.Anxious feet greet neat streets,soft sheets&tasty treats&know no discrete defeat or rebellion.Handy hands land grand upon a broken man's land;every mouth needs a yeoman.


She fits a new summer dress.He considers what might be best.She was beaten in the battle&looking for a place to rest.He is sharpened by the daily test.She trades information for conquest.He thinks she is the greatest.She sees the trappings as coming from above.He is grappling with temptation of giving enough.They look at each other looking imaginative,contemplative;are you old enough for love?


In Christ there is no democrat,independent or republican;we are all libertarians but some confuse liberty to mean less government as if inalienable rights could be taken.Freedom is nothing left to lose&some people talking about good news.If your news is:trust no one,no such thing as altruism&the bills that are due you might consider finding better news,singing the blues or taking a cruise.


To live your life you have got to lose it.All my misdeeds,all my pride,all my selfishness that caused pain,the things I cant forget about,all my grief,this house haunted by doubt.Liberation from sympathy without restraint or overemphasizing constraint.An ambassador stands out in impecunious crowds with empty hands&healthy words in Laodecia,Tyre or the woods.


Encouragement let frank be frank&not curt.Joy's accord did afford misty warm tears of hurt.Tarry filled Harmony,in lieu of Victor ann Rob's windy reply,will mark time grace did carry&wait.Group time tempts the mind;aaron ties up,platitudes replace fran's space.Clair opened up,doris found freedom.


You thought about controlling your mouth the other day but inference,arrogance&critique came out to play.No need to stop for directions.You know the way.Your insolent prophetic revelation mocks any semblance of reasoning in compassion;You should be mayor of morality,governor of goodness&president of piety.You're a stop sign on display.


You have led you to this certain ending by pretending&grandstanding;leaning on your own understanding.Stories of celibacy,sacrifice,compassion&integrity are just examples of impossibility.Garner every excuse known to man.Lay it all out just like you planned.A wonderful distraction this modernity;different but the same denial,anger&shame.A true lover provides cover,most professors are insane.


If will will will it into an exist-stance of obedience to the Spirit's gover-nance&dance with what is noble,wonderful,beautiful,powerful&true.You cannot do anything about what someone else chooses to do;only protect the heart,the spirit,the essence of you.If that dreaded time came for blood to burst through let it be for me being me FOR you.


A brilliant sequel to a brilliant sequel give credit where credit is due:6 billion people,100 billion animals with something to do;no mindless energy wasted every part of creation singing in perfect tune.Wailing wickedness,subtle truths missed,blessed kindness,egalitarian blindness,vile viral verbal violence leading to repentence,healing or recompense soon.


Why can't someone get shoes for that boy's feet.Hi!,its too cold to be outside.They didnt really help but I'm sure they tried.It sure is dog eat dog out here.Can I give you a ride away from here?Oh wait,I'll hafta skip Disneyland this year.Wow,my belly is fat.You might need a place to put all that&a can opener,an oven or a shack.Glad I could help,I won't be back.Oh,God says you're a mess.Here's how to pass the test.


Thinly-veiled paranoia behind satire postulated as hypothetical;ready to backpeddle at minimal inquest.Piddle,prattle&posit nefarious presumptions presenting disproportionate propencity for placing purport in opinion;perplexing palatable principles into oblivion.Please publish a placard imparting prudence in procuring peaceful perspicacious pragmatic problem solving.


Your exegesis of neuropathy does not fully correlate to the context it was presented originally.The symbols do not define a demagogue of modernity nor a electronic conspiracy but a pernicious cultural dichotomy of sacrifice&necessity predicated in the economy of cosmology&resolved in any century the family confesses culpability&restores equality in consistancy with the stated prophecy.


Sometimes I reckon the correct cause&mission;to help others listen to the voice of God.The call to Christ must include some vision of what He is like&if we are to follow Him,where are we going?What is Jesus all about?Once we are with Him,what do we do?Go speak all over town?Jesus Himself did boldly profess that He came to set free the oppressed&bring about justice for them&us&we shall do no less.


The words on the page became a blur.My soul was hungry for the answer.I cut my life into pieces.He helped me put them back together.I was drowning in the way things were.I came up for air;grasping for sanity I divorced those closest to me.He showed me how I got there.How silence won't kill me&what is left to bare.All there was&will be was soaked in despair&then like yesterday I disappeared.


Your life is in God's hands.Talk to children so they understand.Your family needs your patient attention&time is all you have.Study,prayer,meditation,meet your neighbor.Defend the poor,strengthen the weak,help the elder;time we devour&usurp God's power.All these set aside for keeping stride,splitting your side,shaping your belly&thighs to please eyes or saving your own life.

Monday, March 15, 2010

tuff luv

The hill was muddy&steep.He fell two times&busted two teeth.The guard delivered two blows&knocked him off his feet.The flogging post splinter in his wrist;the torn skin from his knees.His back showing the muscle underneath."No one takes my life from me.I lay it down."They took thorns&made a crown,beat him with clubs&paraded him around."Forgive them.They don't know what they're doing right now."


He quacks like a duck.He has the memory of an elephant.The angels struck a chord;a born prophetic savant&Lord.A certified woodchuck pulling all these stunts,claiming to be God.An aunts premonition that kicked real hard.Mary's supposed malfeasance;a faith healer,teacher,friend of the poor.Someone must have opened the door;he spoke to a hundred or more then rose into the heavens the only Savior.


Ten hens out in the yard pecking at bugs,seeds&grubs protecting their chicks out on the range.One dim light per row of ten high with 8 hens laying eggs from a small cage;250,000 under one roof making breakfast for you and I.Bovine calves in body-width stalls standing constantly eating grain from the trough.I like my veal with marinara sauce.If we do not care for the needs of animals abundance will be cut off.


You cannot see what I have seen.Life is not pretty;you don't get away clean.Far few claim the serene.Garbage like leaves somehow not seen by the river of dreams;memory like divinity in the stream:today like yesterday wading in the supreme,its a beautiful day.My heart is afloat on a reason to stay.Without current in a widened place;moving along the shore in a torrent of grace.


She grew up with one front step&no sidewalks.The rain barrel melted garbage through the cracks;the burning barrels were stacked against peace talks.The linebackers bushwhacked the cornstalks&she refused to look back even when she was gone.When she was on the attack,you knew by the way she walked.That pirate smile has been gone for awhile&it will take a mountain to bring it back.


He lays down&does not sleep.She buys a stairway to heaven but still gets the creeps.He wields his power into an elastic world.She is ready for defeat.He makes cents of his world.She dines for free.He eats Cheerios&minnows to keep the glob away.She drinks of enmity;the wolves are at the door.He brings scandalous rationality with curds&whey.Which reality you choose to restore;which river runs through valleys of gore.


Maxim,pets&precepts are perpetuated at party lines.Karla,Bo's brother's friend,Mark's wife wansta party with Marty&Willie&Rosa at John's tonight.Ron's friends are awefully forthright,trite&contrary to delight.Sounds right.Is it worth it;what you're dying to say?The servants are hungry;the landlord said they cannot stay.The rebellion of plasticity holds tightly.Joshua,James&the king progress nightly.Tmars'notherday.


Someone said this place was better.We got there&people were living in boxes wearing heavy sweaters,drinking sugar water&coughing french fries with fear&pain in their eyes.Others danced with grocery carts&hid their hearts;they never walked to the store.It seems they were all strangers that lied to themselves&each other&thought lust&trust was a joke&loved more.


If honoring God has not meant remaining celibate,you've never held on&prayed through it.If trusting God doesn't mean your finances,you're not taking chances.If you haven't been degraded,hated or humiliated&forgiven them,you're not helping others into the kingdom.If you never cry your heart out,you're not broken.If you don't deal with loss,anger&grief you're not loving.If you haven't been a victim,you're not like him.


that joy in life will somehow fizzle out,that effort will have no effect,that a drizzle will friz your hair out,that you wont connect,that you will lose control,that you will lose it all,that people will think less of you,that they will talk behind your back,that you are being lied to&used,that children won't come back,that you will have a bad reputation,that there will be no compensation,that an enemy will attack


when correction has no benefit,when you find a body&stare at it,when being right makes others want to trample your lawn,sit back&yawn or show how they are strong,when you can't wait to hear how it happened,listening to others about others without question,when truth is juicy&reality is fiction,when someone gets what you're deserving&words begin stirring motion,when the only devotion is to you.


There is a rhyme to every reason&a break to every season when in God's time you are ensued.In the time that it takes to make your way to see it through,the chance you take better be the one meant for you.I have made the mistake jumping into a lake that was frozen in June.I just couldn't wait or believe the state of the place I was looking to move.I wanted my way&in due time it came unglued.


Your life is in God's hands.Talk to children so they understand.Your family needs your patient attention&time is all you have.Study,prayer,meditation,meet your neighbor.Defend the poor,strengthen the weak,help the elder. This time we devour&usurp God's power for all these are set aside for keeping stride,splitting your side,shaping your belly&thighs to please eyes or saving your own life.

Sunday, February 28, 2010


I had rabbit hash in Kentucky&I was feeling kinda yucky but i didnt get the toots.I coulda had the teriyaki with a shot of sake;maybe the ginger&honey woulda sweetened my roots.You can go all over the country&make a lot of money but time comes to pay its due.In due time it's coming down to me or you.I know what you're gonna do.I'm bursting with fruit.I'm splitting myself in two.


Blueberries,strawberries,rasberries too;dandelions,gardenias,roses in bloom.Songbirds,crickets,hoot owls hoo.Raccoons,opposums,squirrel stew;pigs,poultry,cows moo.Grass,trees,sky hue.Lake,river,ocean blue;baby,mommy,me&you.All these we touch,hear,see,smell,eat or walk through to enjoy,to love,to taste&see that God is good.


Many create a god that is working on wishes,guiding fast pitches&has a scheme to bring sin into heaven;others create a tyrant ruling from above that punishes every emotion,that does not care about suffering,a god that requires you earn his love.Never could they imagine he is right by their side urging them to take sides in a battle between love&selfishness;giving selfless,waiting for them to take the first step.


Some things never change.Little legs swinging back&forth on a swing on the porch while grandma tells stories of slow dances&grandpa's torch,bedtime stories,hugs&prayers,Sunday afternoon laughter&Thursday night dinners,baby falling asleep on daddy's chest giving mom some time to rest,bubble baths filled with giggles&laughs.Of all that changes&changes fast family forever lasts.


speeling an punkchewashun are very impartint asspeks of yur profeshunal persona.If ya speel stuff rong criticall peeple tend ta think yur stoopid&wanna religate ya to the sofa.Now I aint sayin y'all shood care won iotee bout sum hi fulootin fella's thawts on intelligense er let the bigwigs getcha down.Mattera fack i'd just tellim ta git sum book learnin on ackseptince.


Even the most positive,goal-oriented,well-rounded individual is bound to become tired,lack motivation&dwell in limbo uninspired.I don't mind saying that's how I feel right now.Like a steed that won't come out of the barn I'm just standing here looking around.My best guess is that I am thinking about what's wrong&dwelling on it too long.Nevertheless,I'm not getting too down because I'm not lost,I am found.


Never pretend or hide your feelings or hold stubbornly to pride,hurt&anger.The hardened hearts are tormented&torchered souls&true losers living out a bad dream so far from mercy they can see no blessing.Let them have your pity so you can make room for forgiveness&healing&faith to color your paint by number dreams.Safe boundaries let in the trustworthy.Peacemakers walk slowly,confidently,humbly free.


You may bow your head in prayer daily.You may give your time,your money,attend church every Sunday,give to the poor,build up the weak;thousands may come to hear you speak.Your voice may sound like a chorus of angels,the Lords name you may profess and exalt but try as you may there will be no peace,no freedom,no joy for you until you are willing to say,"this is my sin&it is my fault."


If you cant believe life is going downhill so fast&you feel like you're gonna crash;the laughs never last,you're losing more than you ever thought you'd have&with every attempt to dig yourself out you fall back into a pile of trash,take heart!There is treasure at the bottom of that slippery slope.Once you finally let go&let God you will find hope at the end of that rope.

glee club

Playtime is number one;only living to have fun.Me-time is anytime.There are games to be won.It feels good to give some,to not be ignored or bored.Why not make a way to prove to that you're in the game.Minimal,timely,traditional ascetism to breakup the rhythm;as if sacrifice was given,love was written on a token or your spirit had ever been broken.Oh tepid,trite tools your best love is cruel.


My good friend was not always so good.He used to blame me&shame me&make me fight for a moments peace.He would attack me&try to assassinate me&make up lies about me&tell them to my face.Well,another friend came&helped me put him in his place.Now he comes knocking every now&then but I wont let him in.Now I have a good friend that speaks truth to me.


So many simple pleasures&free treasures get overlooked in favor of deadlines,highway signs&brutal minds.Surrounded by bad dreams&untimely scenes of human disregard makes them hard to find sometimes.Holding on to what is real I stay on an even keel&heaven on earth has much more appeal than all those dreaded forethoughts wrought with steel that fall so hard.

Sunday, February 14, 2010


Whether it be the Jewish people,the nation of Islam,Catholic or Protestant we all worship the same God;the God of Noah,Abraham,Isaac,Jacob,Joseph&Moses.For most,it is the supremacy of Christ that divides us.Jesus prayed that we would all be united,not divided.This is our destiny&no simple task.Before we get cynical,racial,call a battle cry or become lax,stop&consider this mission&the one who asked.


If we were all outside living in tents a passerby might think we worshipped the sky.If we lived in tribes&were used,abused&led into slavery again&again some might think we were the most unlucky,unfortunate,misguided group on the planet.If we fight amongst ourselves&put others through hell some might think our religion is just a habit.Thank God he wrote the truth on our hearts otherwise we just wouldnt have it.


The Word is perfect,plain&clear.Questions are welcomed in the context of accepting what you hear.The old truth,the old morality are the only;the only way to be happy is to obey.The rabbit chasers of today go there own way.There is nothing new,no better way.Those that suffer are done with sin.There is no such thing as trying only steps to overcome,will to be done&the process of learning how to love the Son.


I stopped in Texas where there's a cop at every corner&the wind drives you backwards then made my way to California to hear the high-class morose&destitute laughter.On the plains of Nebraska I heard Dylan&Kafka say prudence is like a stone.The communistwealth of Virginia made malady on their own.Florida,Tennessee,Alabama widened white dogma in the Carolinas.They sin&sin nasty at home.


I love your law.Your commandments are so perfect,so simple&so raw.They are not so hard to keep when I know you love me&watch over me as I sleep.Sincere love is the key each one.Faithfulness,honor&self-control come natural when you have overcome my heart,renewed my mind&stand beside me for all time.I want to dance.I want to sing about your kingdom&the freedom it brings.


I have tried every way I know how.I have done the best I could&I still get lost somehow.At times I am still sad,frustrated,broken&lonely.Lord,please take this yoke of mine&replace it with yours which is not as heavy.Send good men&women into my life.Help me love&accept them as family.Forgive me,Lord,my sin;for thinking I knew a better way.Surely you know better than I since you created me&all that I survey.


One last look into his eyes&I am breaking inside.The space in between seems to wax&wane.One minute he feels so close,the next I am filled with pain&I am lost within myself just hoping to see you again.Sometimes I am already there watching the wind blow through your hair with a smile on your face we embrace&nothing comes between us.In this feeling I know a little how it is to be God&let go of Jesus.


Nationalism is not guilt by association but we suffer just the same.Like riding in a car with locked doors,no steering wheel&no brakes,the curse of sin cannot be escaped.I may live my life in submission to Christ&love humankind&all believers but if my countrymen oppose God,engage in war for profit,see the suffering of the poor&do nothing to stop it,calamity will come down upon us but I will not lament.
I wonder what its like not to fight,to lay your head down at night knowing all is right,to gush mushy love&happiness,basking in the glory of God daily,deflecting every slight,never getting angry at stumbles,fumbles,troubles&futility,always spending your time right.But wait, maybe I have seen what it is like.It's called pretending to be a light.


Speaking the truth in love is not followed by judging when you walk away.Listening for Heaven's sake doesnt mean you ignore anyway.Postulating political pressure in hopes of pummeling imprudent perpetrators is not part of maintaining justice or defending the poor anymore than killing the enemy or imprisoning hippys.God's power in the hands of the humble will bring liberty.


It's simple to slip into cynical,to never see a miracle.Your words to slaughter,your dreams like cannon fodder,bound&found there underneath what's fickle,thick with grit.You wake to spit at absolutely everything&what's wrong with it.The ground rushes closer.You will feel it hit.Awaken to the merciful,to all that's beautiful&attribute it to all that is spiritual.


I woke up way too early to say I love you God,you have done such great work in me.Sometimes I am half blind but through you I see I am merely a vessel,a plant,a seed,a tree.You are a light for my feet&that is as far as I need to see.You paid the price for me.You make all things&give them to me.You make all things possible for me.The best you give is free.With the eyes of my heart I see.You take such good care of me.

Sunday, January 31, 2010


Putting you down wont square the deal;Its just a selfish act to let you know how I feel.What can I accomplish by character assassination?I only cause aggravation,frustration,bring bridges to an end&make a fool of myself by giving in to revenge.I would rather stand inside the fire&submit myself to God before I would give you the satisfaction&ammunition to admonish me;misguided?maybe,but a coward I will never be.


Coffee is second only to oil as the most traded commodity.Entire families work twelve hours for pennies a day while one MNC makes $600,000,000 a year easy.Free trade means near free to oligopoly,high prices for you& me&the poorest of the poor with no money having land&livelihood taken completely.We must fight for trade reform,boycott oligopoly&buy fairly traded coffee,maintain justice&stop the insanity!


Getting excited,getting in a hurry,getting stressed,getting worried,saving time,saving money,being more productive;they are all relative&rarely worth the energy.Relax,take your time,being slow to make up your mind,enjoy gifts given freely;they are all relative&helpful if having fun is not a continual goal.Keeping balance means you actually have a place to fall not just going deeper into an unbalanced role.


If I based my view of life on how I feel I would be tossed around like a ship on the ocean;by the time I came up i would be down again.Without the Lord walking beside me I would be a blind prisoner;hopeless&empty,full of doubt,frustration&anxiety.With God's hope I can see;with His mercy I am free.Yes,the battle rages on;I fail,I struggle,I overcome but God has won.


This life I am living is all that I have.I have been blessed to be born in a country where social mobility is a possibility&the means to move up are included in a social welfare plan.Moving on up satisfies some desires I have:to serve in the ways I feel called.The money doesn't matter if the heart is not enthralled with the ends.I am satisfied by helping others find wholeness&by being a faithful friend.

Hold on

At times we suffer&we can find no reason why.Trouble comes&sometimes it stays&makes misery every day.Troubles come&they pass when we are deep in sadness it's no time to give in.To be more patient,to be wise,to trust in Him;thats is why trouble begins.So ask in faith to find a better way or the same troubles will return another day.


What a small,little man I am.All i know is what I've been sold.All I think&do is not who I am.Living in this modern age where everthing is packaged&told as fact when its 15 minutes old.No real history,no real tradition thats not been misrepresented,convoluted,restructured or riddled with lies,glamorized&sanitized to fit fascism,paganism&atheism.Dont know much except that there is a God&I'm not him.


So many seem like they want to distrust,they want to dislike&even hate.Sometimes their disdain for everyone&everything is so heavy&thick in the air it seems there is nowhere safe.Their sense of wrong&right is so discombobulated they are blaming people&things not related&making miserable stew for every dinner date.Sometimes they make a good man just wanna throw up his hands,fall prostrate&beg for some end in sight.

Born Again

I love others as much as I love myself.I love myself as much as I believe God loves me.I obey God as much as I love&honor him;not by will,miracle or whim.If I do not honor others,I do not honor myself.If I do not honor me,I do not love me the way God intended for me&I hurt myself&others by what I say&do.Open your heart&do your part to be honest,open,grateful,faithful,honorable&true to others&you then you will be new.

Intelligent Design

The times,the signs,the minds continually change but God remains the same.The evolution of the hummingbird,the horney toad or the whole world is in his hands.They arrive&die exactly on time&the reason why he fashions the small&great in his eyes leaving some to cry&others to multiply;we will know when we die.Nature has no mother&of gods there is no other than Jesus Christ,the Spirit&Father.

Empathic Society

Life is so good here in the U.S.We even have some help&some shelter for the homeless.But is some enough?We have college grants that help us get back on our feet but how do you get there when you barely have anything to eat or a shower to get clean?How many get turned away at night?Hundreds of thousands.How many mentally ill are on the street?How many are in jail?Friends,we have failed;this is just not right.

tough love

You dont want to stay where you're not wanted or live where others thoughts are misguided.There is a principle of give&take in life but it's rarely equal.If you run from giving too much you will end up living out the sequel.However,enough is enough when ties are continually tough&not tender but first you gotta give,love&surrender.How else would you know you had given anything worthwhile to the other?

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Theology is one sticky thicket.One gets stuck on one point by another&must turn loosen it while getting stuck in another.In this environment,the only thing I love more than being wrong is being wrong in front of my community.This sudden display of humility gives humility a context,a scenario&a place in the family.People can see the strength in meekness&the goodness in vulnerability unlike any other activity.

after all

With a clear mind&passionate heart he stood before the assembly&proclaimed the guilt of his nation.A prophet without honor,home or reputation.If it was a small world the children would be starving,grandmas would be carving out trees to sleep in,the best of chitlins is all mom could live on&dysentery would be complimentary at Holiday Inn.It is time to ask why,to look behind through colonial eyes,to see what we deny.


What would be most beneficial right now?Do you need enough mercy to lift your heart,enough grace to lift your arms,enough hope to carry on?Do you need to protect your heart&mind with a sheild of faith,to steady your steps with trust in a promise that will never break,complicate or fade away?Throw off the burden you have made,take on the yoke of grace,embrace a brand new day&love a brand new way.


Those responsible for untold human suffering,emprisoning of livestock,coerced labor&environmental destruction shall remain anonymous simply because God loves you.We will fight back without attack.You cant stop it no matter what you do.We will let empathy,compassion&conviction drive us on as we seek to do God's will.We will take America back.We will maintain justice&defend the poor by giving back what you stole.


Praise,glory&honor to God in the highest.We come as willing subjects to King Jesus foresaking all others to have Him as brother,savior&friend singing,"we are so happy you have found us".Father,your children find grace in the Holy Spirit's embrace,we are satisfied by your work within us.All we ask is give us the lost as our inheritence&rise up in defense of the poor;give us vision,make us strong,make us bold evermore.


People are so incredibly special,unique&interesting.Outward appearances,words&actions that seem clear can be deceiving.All too often motivation&thinking are assigned offhand by personal experience,expectations&understanding.Faith in,hope for&true love for anyone is more challenging than just a good feeling:they expand our willingness to accept others&stretch our perceptions about everyone&everything.


Holding fast to denial&making excuses while guilt speaks loudly deadens quality of life,drowns out spirituality&halts spiritual growth.There's no use in making a plea for forgiveness or trying to work your way into righteousness.Jesus has forgiven all your sin so confess your sinfulness,turn&redirect your steps,make room for obedience.Today will be filled with sorrow but tomorrow will be the best day of your life.


There are multiple countries,cultures&corners of the world rich in tradition&history I know nothing about.No matter how others define them;whether friend,foe or government,I will not count them out of God's reach or assume I would go there to teach.How could I teach if I do not first seek to understand?They are in God's hands&they are not for me or you to exploit,correct,kill or reprimand but to make friends.


Trending toward tawdry tales&timely sales,morally derailed christ professors just dont seem to get it.Hate,anger,lust,revenge,greed&self-centeredness are just half of it.Everyone close to them seem to be just not good enough.Slander is second nature,gossip is your pleasure,pop culture is your treasure,others faults you never forget,scandals you always remember.Check your eyes for a plank&splinter.


The best thing I ever did is not give up on a bad marriage(&I mean bad)so that I could be there every day to guide,discipline&play with my kids.They tell me now how much i mean to them(they are still young men)&they call to get advice,to have me listen&they follow it even.I am so loved&honored I can barely take it in.So,if life's getting in the way,push back&make it stay.It means so much to them to see you everyday.


Some days i feel better,some days i feel the same,some days i feel under the weather,some days i feel strange.All this entertainment is no good,nothing here feels quite like it should.Everything feels so bought,sold&used;leftover from a century of abuse.There is nothing brand new.Nothing but you.Spinning on the wheel of fortune.Dizzy from this retail torture.Nothing gives me pleasure.Nothing but you.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


How are you doing?We say it all the time but what are we truly asking?You want to know if I am basking in the glory of God almighty,hurting for rent money,full of acrimony,looking for sympathy or do you want to know my story?All i can say is I'm stuck here in this body,your thoughts are important to me,I'm not gonna hide or pretend&I hear that no matter what's going on,it all works out in the end.


Evidence-based practice is not a proven prophylactic but a best-case scenario designed to help control for idiosyncracy,bolster probability&guide hypotheses.Any way you slice it questioning,reasoning&faith come down to willingness,openess&humility.Science,defiance or reliance depend on God's will&sovereignty.


Walking uphill,just the way it feels when fighting my will.Hanging my head,feeling down;when the cold wind blows it'll turn your head around.I lose,I win without a sound.What's lost is only what's bringing me down.All I win is self-respect,peace of mind&love full grown.Holding onto sin will do you in but it hurts to let it go.I pray,the pain goes away.I surrender all I own.


I am so rich.I have indoor plumbing,central air,hot water,a bedroom to spare.I go out to eat,never wash dishes,I dont work hard&I have a big yard,I have all my wishes come true.I sleep in,waste money,time&food&eat big fishes without a care.With all this you think I'd be happy but the truth is I'd give it all up in a minute;dont want any of it.Im just glad God is my pappy.

Happy New Year

You dont need a new year to change your mind but the fact remains if you dont keep in step with the Spirit you might get left behind.Who knows if or when the chance will come again so if you feel a tug on your heart strings to pray,to change,to search for truth,to go to church or sing,stop,drop&roll with it cuz its hell to live without God as a friend.


I love you&that is forever.I could never hate you,ever.I gave all of me.You didnt want me;you wanted better.You broke me deep where God alone can see.That's alright,it's ok.Let your head&heart rest.I will always love you best.Let sunshine come your way.I will be anyone you want me to be.I lived to tell of how I fell completely.I live to love&forgiveness is mine&yours today.All I want is you happy in your way.


God is great if you can relate or find a common thread.Sometimes we forget that many have no idea what we meant by what we just said.The fact that God loves you takes a long time to sink in&even then the road ahead can be overgrown with seed sown when life was dead.Dont let them hang by the sports&entertainment thread. Let real time be spent in real conversation with real friends instead.


Emotional intelligence is what "they" call a sixth sense that cuts through pretense,overlooks predispositions,delays reactions,circumvents circumstance&doesnt miss the chance to receive,believe or leave when sense is abundant,redundant or not present.Praise God for this glorious truth that wards off"common"sense,leads me to repent&opens my mind in the true sense.

Elderly Woman

Sobbing&dropping your head into her hand she dug deep in her heart to find the man that took her wonder,her splendor,her joy&plans.Her soul cut through me&left me spent.I gave her my sympathy&touched her on the sleeve.She grasped me with all she had&wailed in grief.God came&held her where I could not.Soon those days faded but she never forgot.