Sunday, January 31, 2010


Putting you down wont square the deal;Its just a selfish act to let you know how I feel.What can I accomplish by character assassination?I only cause aggravation,frustration,bring bridges to an end&make a fool of myself by giving in to revenge.I would rather stand inside the fire&submit myself to God before I would give you the satisfaction&ammunition to admonish me;misguided?maybe,but a coward I will never be.


Coffee is second only to oil as the most traded commodity.Entire families work twelve hours for pennies a day while one MNC makes $600,000,000 a year easy.Free trade means near free to oligopoly,high prices for you& me&the poorest of the poor with no money having land&livelihood taken completely.We must fight for trade reform,boycott oligopoly&buy fairly traded coffee,maintain justice&stop the insanity!


Getting excited,getting in a hurry,getting stressed,getting worried,saving time,saving money,being more productive;they are all relative&rarely worth the energy.Relax,take your time,being slow to make up your mind,enjoy gifts given freely;they are all relative&helpful if having fun is not a continual goal.Keeping balance means you actually have a place to fall not just going deeper into an unbalanced role.


If I based my view of life on how I feel I would be tossed around like a ship on the ocean;by the time I came up i would be down again.Without the Lord walking beside me I would be a blind prisoner;hopeless&empty,full of doubt,frustration&anxiety.With God's hope I can see;with His mercy I am free.Yes,the battle rages on;I fail,I struggle,I overcome but God has won.


This life I am living is all that I have.I have been blessed to be born in a country where social mobility is a possibility&the means to move up are included in a social welfare plan.Moving on up satisfies some desires I have:to serve in the ways I feel called.The money doesn't matter if the heart is not enthralled with the ends.I am satisfied by helping others find wholeness&by being a faithful friend.

Hold on

At times we suffer&we can find no reason why.Trouble comes&sometimes it stays&makes misery every day.Troubles come&they pass when we are deep in sadness it's no time to give in.To be more patient,to be wise,to trust in Him;thats is why trouble begins.So ask in faith to find a better way or the same troubles will return another day.


What a small,little man I am.All i know is what I've been sold.All I think&do is not who I am.Living in this modern age where everthing is packaged&told as fact when its 15 minutes old.No real history,no real tradition thats not been misrepresented,convoluted,restructured or riddled with lies,glamorized&sanitized to fit fascism,paganism&atheism.Dont know much except that there is a God&I'm not him.


So many seem like they want to distrust,they want to dislike&even hate.Sometimes their disdain for everyone&everything is so heavy&thick in the air it seems there is nowhere safe.Their sense of wrong&right is so discombobulated they are blaming people&things not related&making miserable stew for every dinner date.Sometimes they make a good man just wanna throw up his hands,fall prostrate&beg for some end in sight.

Born Again

I love others as much as I love myself.I love myself as much as I believe God loves me.I obey God as much as I love&honor him;not by will,miracle or whim.If I do not honor others,I do not honor myself.If I do not honor me,I do not love me the way God intended for me&I hurt myself&others by what I say&do.Open your heart&do your part to be honest,open,grateful,faithful,honorable&true to others&you then you will be new.

Intelligent Design

The times,the signs,the minds continually change but God remains the same.The evolution of the hummingbird,the horney toad or the whole world is in his hands.They arrive&die exactly on time&the reason why he fashions the small&great in his eyes leaving some to cry&others to multiply;we will know when we die.Nature has no mother&of gods there is no other than Jesus Christ,the Spirit&Father.

Empathic Society

Life is so good here in the U.S.We even have some help&some shelter for the homeless.But is some enough?We have college grants that help us get back on our feet but how do you get there when you barely have anything to eat or a shower to get clean?How many get turned away at night?Hundreds of thousands.How many mentally ill are on the street?How many are in jail?Friends,we have failed;this is just not right.

tough love

You dont want to stay where you're not wanted or live where others thoughts are misguided.There is a principle of give&take in life but it's rarely equal.If you run from giving too much you will end up living out the sequel.However,enough is enough when ties are continually tough&not tender but first you gotta give,love&surrender.How else would you know you had given anything worthwhile to the other?

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Theology is one sticky thicket.One gets stuck on one point by another&must turn loosen it while getting stuck in another.In this environment,the only thing I love more than being wrong is being wrong in front of my community.This sudden display of humility gives humility a context,a scenario&a place in the family.People can see the strength in meekness&the goodness in vulnerability unlike any other activity.

after all

With a clear mind&passionate heart he stood before the assembly&proclaimed the guilt of his nation.A prophet without honor,home or reputation.If it was a small world the children would be starving,grandmas would be carving out trees to sleep in,the best of chitlins is all mom could live on&dysentery would be complimentary at Holiday Inn.It is time to ask why,to look behind through colonial eyes,to see what we deny.


What would be most beneficial right now?Do you need enough mercy to lift your heart,enough grace to lift your arms,enough hope to carry on?Do you need to protect your heart&mind with a sheild of faith,to steady your steps with trust in a promise that will never break,complicate or fade away?Throw off the burden you have made,take on the yoke of grace,embrace a brand new day&love a brand new way.


Those responsible for untold human suffering,emprisoning of livestock,coerced labor&environmental destruction shall remain anonymous simply because God loves you.We will fight back without attack.You cant stop it no matter what you do.We will let empathy,compassion&conviction drive us on as we seek to do God's will.We will take America back.We will maintain justice&defend the poor by giving back what you stole.


Praise,glory&honor to God in the highest.We come as willing subjects to King Jesus foresaking all others to have Him as brother,savior&friend singing,"we are so happy you have found us".Father,your children find grace in the Holy Spirit's embrace,we are satisfied by your work within us.All we ask is give us the lost as our inheritence&rise up in defense of the poor;give us vision,make us strong,make us bold evermore.


People are so incredibly special,unique&interesting.Outward appearances,words&actions that seem clear can be deceiving.All too often motivation&thinking are assigned offhand by personal experience,expectations&understanding.Faith in,hope for&true love for anyone is more challenging than just a good feeling:they expand our willingness to accept others&stretch our perceptions about everyone&everything.


Holding fast to denial&making excuses while guilt speaks loudly deadens quality of life,drowns out spirituality&halts spiritual growth.There's no use in making a plea for forgiveness or trying to work your way into righteousness.Jesus has forgiven all your sin so confess your sinfulness,turn&redirect your steps,make room for obedience.Today will be filled with sorrow but tomorrow will be the best day of your life.


There are multiple countries,cultures&corners of the world rich in tradition&history I know nothing about.No matter how others define them;whether friend,foe or government,I will not count them out of God's reach or assume I would go there to teach.How could I teach if I do not first seek to understand?They are in God's hands&they are not for me or you to exploit,correct,kill or reprimand but to make friends.


Trending toward tawdry tales&timely sales,morally derailed christ professors just dont seem to get it.Hate,anger,lust,revenge,greed&self-centeredness are just half of it.Everyone close to them seem to be just not good enough.Slander is second nature,gossip is your pleasure,pop culture is your treasure,others faults you never forget,scandals you always remember.Check your eyes for a plank&splinter.


The best thing I ever did is not give up on a bad marriage(&I mean bad)so that I could be there every day to guide,discipline&play with my kids.They tell me now how much i mean to them(they are still young men)&they call to get advice,to have me listen&they follow it even.I am so loved&honored I can barely take it in.So,if life's getting in the way,push back&make it stay.It means so much to them to see you everyday.


Some days i feel better,some days i feel the same,some days i feel under the weather,some days i feel strange.All this entertainment is no good,nothing here feels quite like it should.Everything feels so bought,sold&used;leftover from a century of abuse.There is nothing brand new.Nothing but you.Spinning on the wheel of fortune.Dizzy from this retail torture.Nothing gives me pleasure.Nothing but you.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


How are you doing?We say it all the time but what are we truly asking?You want to know if I am basking in the glory of God almighty,hurting for rent money,full of acrimony,looking for sympathy or do you want to know my story?All i can say is I'm stuck here in this body,your thoughts are important to me,I'm not gonna hide or pretend&I hear that no matter what's going on,it all works out in the end.


Evidence-based practice is not a proven prophylactic but a best-case scenario designed to help control for idiosyncracy,bolster probability&guide hypotheses.Any way you slice it questioning,reasoning&faith come down to willingness,openess&humility.Science,defiance or reliance depend on God's will&sovereignty.


Walking uphill,just the way it feels when fighting my will.Hanging my head,feeling down;when the cold wind blows it'll turn your head around.I lose,I win without a sound.What's lost is only what's bringing me down.All I win is self-respect,peace of mind&love full grown.Holding onto sin will do you in but it hurts to let it go.I pray,the pain goes away.I surrender all I own.


I am so rich.I have indoor plumbing,central air,hot water,a bedroom to spare.I go out to eat,never wash dishes,I dont work hard&I have a big yard,I have all my wishes come true.I sleep in,waste money,time&food&eat big fishes without a care.With all this you think I'd be happy but the truth is I'd give it all up in a minute;dont want any of it.Im just glad God is my pappy.

Happy New Year

You dont need a new year to change your mind but the fact remains if you dont keep in step with the Spirit you might get left behind.Who knows if or when the chance will come again so if you feel a tug on your heart strings to pray,to change,to search for truth,to go to church or sing,stop,drop&roll with it cuz its hell to live without God as a friend.


I love you&that is forever.I could never hate you,ever.I gave all of me.You didnt want me;you wanted better.You broke me deep where God alone can see.That's alright,it's ok.Let your head&heart rest.I will always love you best.Let sunshine come your way.I will be anyone you want me to be.I lived to tell of how I fell completely.I live to love&forgiveness is mine&yours today.All I want is you happy in your way.


God is great if you can relate or find a common thread.Sometimes we forget that many have no idea what we meant by what we just said.The fact that God loves you takes a long time to sink in&even then the road ahead can be overgrown with seed sown when life was dead.Dont let them hang by the sports&entertainment thread. Let real time be spent in real conversation with real friends instead.


Emotional intelligence is what "they" call a sixth sense that cuts through pretense,overlooks predispositions,delays reactions,circumvents circumstance&doesnt miss the chance to receive,believe or leave when sense is abundant,redundant or not present.Praise God for this glorious truth that wards off"common"sense,leads me to repent&opens my mind in the true sense.

Elderly Woman

Sobbing&dropping your head into her hand she dug deep in her heart to find the man that took her wonder,her splendor,her joy&plans.Her soul cut through me&left me spent.I gave her my sympathy&touched her on the sleeve.She grasped me with all she had&wailed in grief.God came&held her where I could not.Soon those days faded but she never forgot.