Friday, August 28, 2009

Light & Momentary Troubles

Sometimes the innocent suffer at the hands of the wicked. Sometimes the fool gets exalted. Sometimes everything that can go wrong strings along for days & weeks unencumbered & it seems you are strangly accursed & brutally assaulted, hold on to that faith that God will make a way for comfort & rest to come again; love & joy will return to save the day.


Samples of examples trample by me&my peripheral vision.The languid superstitious sitting staring at interpretations bowdlerizing out of fear&justification pretenciousness&condemnation full of hurt&confusion falling into desperation Loving their opinions reaping minions that speak faithlessness&negativity.I pray for thee.

Safe Cities

Lets take all our money out in ones&have a fire in the backyard;the tv on top.Lets take all of the flags down&give them to the homeless for blankets on the cold ground&make the prison a luxury home for the innocent victims of capitalism&some reason not to help or pay.Take all of your pills,vitamins&nutrition plans&throw them all away;you will die anyway if you dont live by faith&trust God the Father.


It was so fine to see you today by the bus stop.You walked beside as we came in&stopped.I realize you are in a relationship right now&I respect that.If you are ever single in the future,I would be open to spending time listening to your dreams as your beauty beams&our hearts go pitter-pat.How I long to touch your lips&run my fingers through your hair;to give you my heart&show how much I care.Dear God, please let her free to share.

Saturday, August 22, 2009


Harassed&helpless,down&defenseless,hurried&hopeless,You found us weak,beaten&friendless.Your sympathy was aroused.You chose mercy.You worked our salvation with your own hand.You sacrificed your son,your own flesh&blood.You pierced your own body&bore the sin&shame that seperated us from you so that no man can boast.The creator of man&earth&heavenly hosts gave all so that we could live.How can we deny you our utmost?

Friday, August 21, 2009

Todd & Connie

I love you with all my heart.I would give my eyes if you could see God's love;the good samaritan's heart.Your fear is hard to grasp.Who is honored by verbal attacks?Your anger is tearing you apart.Faith is caught up in doubt,peace stands far off, joy is grieving,grace is distraught.Split minds, divided hearts,grumbling souls, I pray for a new vision, a new start.

Thursday, August 20, 2009


If it is broken then it must be fixed if you intend to use it.If it is not broken,it doesnt need fixed;that doesnt mean it is working at optimum usage.If you lose it you will have to find it,you cant buy another one; this a one time pilgrimage.If you are doing fine;there is nothing to praise,lament or disparage.May I suggest you cry out & ask God to show you your purpose,call & the mission.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Cleansing deep within my soul,the pain overwhelms my senses,my eyes pour out a stream,I feel my hearts pulses.A shiver from the center runs through my veins in fitful quivers quaking, beatitudes bubbling, felicity fomenting, shame stirring, sin my mind to insight through long nights of supplication. Second winds blow waves upon dry sand; I am alive, eternal & contrite there is no doubt I am in your hands.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


The heights of humility are lonesome places where God is counselor, protector & confidant while defiant men point fingers & gnash their teeth in anger.The depths of humility tear a man from his ideal self & leave him somber & peaceful..., gratefully reunited with one true friend, rescued from selfish ends:trophies in the trash, bricks of pride smashed, forgiving the past, restorative plans, surrendered with empty hands.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

VCC Summer of Love campout

Spend the night together in front of the open flame. Laughing and talking about how this world is insane. It makes no difference to us brothers, we are here to change what is insanely the same. We have a chance to intersect, to share our unity. What more could we ask for when we have each other and a leader with a dream? Wont you join us in love supreme?

Saturday, August 15, 2009

love & law

A boxer with no will to fight. A prayer that ends in good night. A good samaritan denying healthcare. A doctor that does not care. A bright eyed, bushy-tailed dead squirrel. Going for a walk on the tilt-a-whirl. Beautiful brown grass. The Bible where they throw the trash. Love & Law are mismatched. To love the world you must become detached.


Five times I did it wrong.Ten times my motives drew me into insanity.Ten times I was gone too long. There is no doubt I am guilty.War is pretty ugly. I need your mercy. Your love is strong enough to defend me.


Welcome to today.Love shines bright colors in vast array.Without love all the yellows greens & blues are gray,tears of joy are strange & every day looks the same.Brother, sister you are God's love & the colors for today.Shine in your own special way.


A $20k payday,gettin married to Beyonce, walkin tall on the walk of fame nothing compares to You, Lord.There is not enough money to horde not enough love in the world nothing to hold on to but You.You deserve all the honor, glory & praise.I am just a child you chose;a boy you raised.Your love & power has done it all.Day after day you save me from the fall


Should I trust you?Should I have faith?No.I should be as gentle as a dove & as cunning as a snake.A tree is known by its fruit.I can be openhearted & generous & speak the truth.Have no fear, God will reveal the heart of a fool.So,yes I am... free to feel,trust & move (& not deride, despise or slander you.)


If you are disappointed,hurt & angry because God hasnt made you the way you want to be just remember the road is long hard & narrow & only a few get to see how beautiful you are to Him & to me. Tough years, lonely tears,thirst for righteousness,hunger for holiness & patient fairhfulness will be rewarded with unconditional love,perfect peace & a strength to endure & overcome this human brokeness.


Your love is so strong. You love me when I am wrong. You love me when I am gone. You never hold my past against me or punish me or judge me, withdraw your affection from me or leave me. Your law makes sense, it protects me. You give me the power to obey. Your mercy is new each day. Honor, praise and glory to the King, the Holy Spirit, to the Lord Jesus Almighty.

Thursday, August 6, 2009


Trying to smile though your heart is breaking.Trying to care is just faking & impossible to sustain.Doing good for the sake of being good to win God's affection is vain.Is your walk all about you,your destination,your pain?No need for solitary solemn supplication its off to do homage & obligation?Humble pies are sweet,Grapes of Wrath are bitter.Take the confidence of Abram & follow the Creator of Creations twitter.What are the fruits of your strain?

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Patience grasshopper within you is planted a seed.You are in an army of peacemakers & a soldier commissioned to fulfill needs.A hero of self-sacrifice,a guided hand for the blind,a subtle reverberation to the deaf,be firm,be kind.Now these three remain,faith,hope&being gentle as a dove,steady as a rock,strong as a steed.Throw off all accusation,condemnation,all slanderous sin.Think before you speak,Love wins.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Pledge an oath,swear sweet as vinegar while swinging from a tree. Declare, profess pronounce agitating words stirring your coffee for your company in misery. Was not all the world your oyster & the groceries you did plunder, did they not bring ease, comfort & time to reflect & pray on your knees? Hearts torn with indignation over money, His decree still stands & I agree, one sin not forgiven, blasphemy.

Monday, August 3, 2009


A ubiquity of loneliness stretched over the human landscape like measles.The origin, theory & etiology of such forlorn lamentations is apparently false yet confounding to the psyche.Lack of spirituality, commonality & connectivity overwhelms rational perceptions resulting in fear & ambiguity toward kinship & use of emotive exaggerated, surly & often terse commentary.Lets all watch big purple Barney religiously.Piety?

Sunday, August 2, 2009


Sanctus Bell ring out our inner truth.Lovespell dig deep in the soil;bring forth memories of youth.Whithered tree leaning down stream spring new roots toward dreams coming true.Songs of the ancients sing.Posterity bring hope to us all.Holy Spirit bring a change of mind.We cannot love ourselves,our money&humanity at the same time.When i was small you could do no wrong;a new song says you are wrong.We need compassion.

Saturday, August 1, 2009


Vulnerable to everything but death, living on pesticides, preservatives, & processed packages of performance enhanced poultry;I'm alive.Sure of nothing but life, I believe in love, forgiveness & strife;I strive.Though I may be concerned about accidents, mishaps, misfortune & missed opportunity;God is my insurance policy.Faith does not deny reality; it looks beyond & works along side.Lord, help the hungry,lost & dying