Friday, September 25, 2009


I make no pretense.There are things I choose not to share.When you hear this you know what your thing is that brings despair.One thing you only share with others you know care;where there is safety from stares.Stay there 'til the sickness leaves the air&mercy rings true in your ear.Who am I to judge creation,predestination,salvation or revelations true or imagination?I am not the prosecution.I am with the defense.


Sometimes you just got to let go of all that you've got:with all of your energy shake off all that binds you in your mind,find it&push it away until you say"it is all yours God,come what may,come what might,I release all of me to you tonight&only take pleasure in the gifts of comfort&bliss you provide.Lord,let me be wise"One caveat,consider what you might do if it came true.Its up to you.


I hate what I think I see in you because I think I see the same in me.We try to control because we have little self-control.We have an intricate belief system that fights confusion,disorder&inexplicible horror to protect your psyche from worry, turn a blind eye to light or deafen our ears to right.Labels make sense of nonsense but nonsense,chaos&decay stay near."What might work?"not"do what you are told!"


Something so simple as serving another brings blessings that far outshine,outnumber&outlast lifes grief.Such a small thing to welcome a child,to encourage the downhearted,to assist the elderly reframes your world&affirms the belief that God has cared for you everso compassionately:a friend indeed,fresh food guaranteed,help when you bleed,the money you need&your abilities.Love not charity.


I dug taters 'til this fellow came along.So we satnchat awhile.Then he said "you makin money or are you takin chances?"I said,"Sir,I've been diggin taters,tendin t' wifenchillins,takin care of mawnsittin on fences"Didnt you say your a gentleman&a scholar?"He said with a grin."No,I didnt"A bird told me you are a man of honor"He said&he was gone.Nothin wrong with songs,festive throngs n idle hours.What then?

JJ's take

Lord,you know Im a fool for you.I keep waiting around looking in the sky;a perfect situation with no provocation,sitting on the fence watching it all go by,teetering on extinction or looking for a place to hide while Joshua Hosanna Immanuel walks beside.Maybe means probably not.Lord,help me.Im in a spot.Sometimes Im lazy or afraid to be disappointed.I dont know why.Let me go with your flow&not stop.


MNCs sending jobs (rent,utilities&groceries) overseaswhile we sit ill at ease watching people fight in the streets over half a sandwich from Wendy's.Those new jobs in the Phillipines moved on too.The trickle down theory just isnt true.What is Latin America supposed to do?Grow your food or shine your shoes??!


At each intersection you may find friend or foe.You never know when they may find you in kind,inept or apropos.At introduction theres plently of room for conflicting causes,voluntary visceral pauses&seemingly slighted guffaws that may or may not be worth entertaining,placating or defending:a humble&teachable spirit saves much besetting blusterous bantering&discontent;dont be hasty to confront,take wise counsel.


Violins play as you look into my eyes I am dumbstruck.Hit by a dumptruck.Your love for ease,the power of green&romantic scenes shoves love,faith&joy outdoors&builds walls of ideology.I will never drown in your dark hair,taste your brown skin,or smell you in the air.You are free to lose your dreams&fight the invisible man.I hope you win&never give in to your illusion of utter sullen despair.I know I love you,its not just dumb luck.Goodbye imagineer.


Its easy for me to see the irony of daily life in Cincinnati.We drive by the graveyard with the IPOD pumpin&jump in a cool clear pool on a sunny Saturday&sit back&wonder why you are so tired,stressed,blessed&not giving back as millions wash up in mudpuddles,eat from garbage cans&sleep in tin shacks.Too many Big Macs&no extra cheese for anyone in need.Have we all succumb to corporate greed?

On this rock

Weather losses to doubt,angling angrily in accusation,seething in suspicion,fully focused on fluctuations in feeling:you are put out by small thinking.Simmered down by revelation,humiliation or empathetic imagination,the disaffection infection&self-swelling goes down quick.Feelings betray,curses trick.Distrust builds with mud,faithlessness builds with sticks;patience,honor&compassion builds a foundation of brick.

Monday, September 14, 2009


I tripped outside the bounds not so haplessly;scraped by knee,bruised my pride&somewhere in there I lied to me.Somehow I could disappear;God couldnt see me.What a tangled web we weave but wisdom never did leave me unclear for long.My will is strong;love is stronger.Saved from selfish living,renewed fervor for living,to yourself be true.Light does linger;I lost many times before I was a winner.How 'bout you?


Child with heart pounding, teeth grinding, wandering, flailing, lost;grasping at a mirage, stumbling over stones, kicking against the goads let me get out of your way.Let me stand back but not too far away&call your name.Kissing toads,sleeping with the enemy or throwing pearls to swine takes its toll over time.Love at arms length when you dont have the strength.Let them in when compassion is shown&time has been spent


I kept my eyes open wide.I wanted to see everything.More knowledge more power.Fitful dreams turn sour.Human wisdom took me for a ride;the exalted liar spun reason to smash flowers,to take power,to slaughter in the hour of genocide.It churned inside&erupted out my nostrils,my pores&my mouth.I spit,choked&gasped for the breath of life so pure&clean without doubt,revenge or suicide.My pride did subside&love came pouring out.


Growing up a fruit trader or a butcher,a planter,a shepard,a tiller,a cowpoke or a killer; Abel was gladder,to Cain it didnt matter.If you are barn again in a stable or manger you will learn all over again what is love,what is danger;God is the able arranger.To grasp the hand is to grasp the land&let it go.Its natural law&one more you need to know:love you&your neighbor(be kind,be real,do favors)


Our worst fears have come true:There is no one on this earth that will make you happy but you.You really can lose all off your money&dignity too.There are children that starved to death today.There is no way to stay right where you want to.You cant control anything or anyone unless you like it when people despise you.You are a slave to the water bill.You will never get your fill.Your will will fail still.


Women grandstanding,demanding&incorrigible;men likewise insecure,inattentive,off track&irresponsible is all that i could see.Is everyone crazy?Is it just me?"Im not the detective,prosecutor,judge or jury"a voice said to me."What do I do ABOUT these people?" I asked."Judge ABOUT them not ON them."Then another fellow said,"Dont frown,draw a line,tell a story,write a song;color it yellow not white,black,gray or brown"


One minute of love is worth a lifetime of lust.I would give up every day of my life from this day forward just to have you loving me at my best.The hours in between turn to dust.As the day turns to rust I must resign to the fact that for all my hearts desire the blanket for my fire is wrapped around my shoulders,protecting the flame from smolder,purifying my heart,glowing brighter,loving me more than I could ever.


glorious praise&rejoicing didnt sound like something real.Words like mercy&faith had some meaning but I wondered,"What does that look like?How does that feel?When the stories sounded like stories&the singing sounded like mourning,the teaching was witty worries wet with fretful foreboding,when hallelujah meant lunchtime&amen meant it was time to go.Thanks for keepin it real God&for makin me grow.I just didnt know.


I have a shirt I cherish.It says"Wilderness Foundation Hawaii Manoa Falls"I cherish everything the Lord has made&cherish the thought of killing it.The gay man that gave it to me is a fine upstanding man of good character.I cant stomach his passion however;its just sick.You cant kill what is pure.Ever.Manoa falls upon us unknowingly;we were born holy.


i fell in the door i need a hand.I am starvin I need some spam;sneezinnwheezin need a handkerchief,a hand-me-down,a puffs plus antibacterial lotion.I am crammed in here;i need space.The Bureau,SSI,medicare,medicaid,the Geico gecko&OSHA say its unsafe.If I make more money they will take my grace.Whats with this place?We should not live in,give or depend on God's grace?If I do I have mud on my face?No love,no faith.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


dont know what you got til its gone. never did see what i was doin wrong when there was still time to change my mind, my tune & my song. hind sights 20 things i knew but didnt decide; my path at the time was much too wide. thank God for opening my eyes. some things gotta go to grow or you grow slow enough to miss the more better end; regrets condescend.


I love you all so much! You are so incredible to me! There is nothing plain, boring or simple about you. Each individual indvisible under God,below the earth & in the sky. Its a waste of time to stop you & ask you why you shine like the noonday sun or why you are tangled up in blue. God knows you. I know God. He's a good dude. I thank him so much for you! mystery clue.


As Christians,we sin.How then can we live by example?Answer:when it comes to the hard stuff(not judging others,sexual purity,kindness at curses,putting others first,being gentle not rough)We submit,deny ourselves,take the hit.This is real life,face to face being/doing not worthless rambling,holy talk,or learned behavior.We do so out of love for God&others;we sacrfice to see Christ honored.If not,we are imposters.


I have the worlds best identity theft protection.I am a Jewish carpenters son born into a tribe of musicians that honor His command,glorify His perfection&praise the works of the Great I AM;following the Almighty conductors hand.If I run,I come back again. If I hide he will draw me out;pull my head out of the sand.If I am weak,He helps me stand.I am clay in the Potter's hands.Here I am! Send me! I'm your man!


The unappreciative,negative,faithless adjectives come&go;my disappointment passes quickly;though I forgive,its hard to forget.Its humbling to know that at times Im like that too;we all have our burdens&afflictions&concerns to work through....What If we laid them down:gave up on being the best&settled for being found,forgiven,tested,tried&true?Without God, what can I do?Thanks for being you(even if its hard to love you)


Pleasure in certain measure is fine&daddy dont mind a whole lot of holes drinking it in.But like a colander we never seem to get our fill.Ice cream chocolate fudge brownies as romance novels at the salon;coveting Gucci Eau de Toilette&pumps by Louis Vuitton all day long.PS3,Iphone,a beachfront lawn,a 71 Cuda with a chrome grill,restaurant,coupons on the counter;napping still.Its not what you get,its what you give.


I am human.This means that I am weak.I depend on an uncountable number of other humans to do there job every day so that I am warm,well-fed,clean&safe from weather.My flesh is given to selfishness,pride&anger;its not humble or meek.I depend on God's incredible mercy to be more patient,kind&faithful than me;not to mention the food,water,love&wisdom I need every day of every week.God is not a crutch;He is the only one needed so much.